1 - No spamming or flooding the chat with messages.
2 - No adult (18+, NSFW), explicit, or controversal messages, bypassing the bot is not allowed either.
3 - Do not discriminate ethnicity, nationality, race, gender, religion or sexual preference etc.
4 - No advertising
5 - No bashing or heated arguments to other people in the chat.
6 - No heated political conversations. (To avoid fights in the chat this is fine to an extent)
7 - Do not harass, stalk, or purposely do things to make someone else feel uncomfortable, threatened or triggered.
8 - Do not impersonate anyone.
9 - Do not share personal information about other individuals.
10 - No offensive or un-taggable usernames, these will be changed or result in a kick.
11 - No 'Mini-modding', do not act like SimTogether Moderator if you aren't one.
12 - No Nazi, Hitler, communism, 9/11 etc. related jokes/memes.
13 - Use channels as they are intended.
- 123
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- 468
- posts
- 72
- topics
- 548
- posts