't Hart van Nederland
't Hart van Nederland is a route build by trainsxp, it is a network with multiple lines such as Arnhem towards Utrecht Centraal, Apeldoorn towards Utrecht Centraal, Amersfoort towards Hilversum and more.
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1 file
't Hart van Nederland V2.0
By Trains-xp
Short but sweet; here's the official upgrade to 't Hart van Nederland V2.0!
It was about time again to put this online after the many changes compared to 't HvN V1.6 after a few earlier test versions.
Due to this change, as usual, third-party scenarios can give an error, e.g. being next to the rails.
Furthermore, there are of course the many objects from Frison, Coha and Chris, among others, that have been added.
So make sure the packages are up-to-date to avoid missing objects.
And again with emphasis; remove the old version before installing V2.0!
Delete: Content\Routes\47b6f7ad-85b8-667f-975a-5aeb7c18d28c\
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