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About ffffff2020

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  1. HSL Zuid 的过渡曲线长度是多少?那么德国 NBS 法兰克福-科隆的过渡曲线呢?欧洲之星或 TGV 列车的 HSL Zuid 的超高时变率是多少?每天在HSL Zuid上行驶的BR186不足的超高是多少? ? (什么是 de lengte van de overgangscurve van de HSL Zuid?什么是 de superelevatietijdvariabele snelheid van HSL Zuid?什么是 de tekortkoming voor een BR186??) https://simtogether.com/files/file/2089-hsl-amsterdam-breda-noorderkempen/
  2. Thank you very much, sir! Regards from ffffff2020.
  3. Sir, I got it! It's from DTG Academy.
  4. What about xlsx, sir? HSL-Zuid Amsterdam-Rotterdam_Assets.xlsx
  5. Not RRS, sir. I am sorry to say that. I have the checklist and I've spent 2 days looking for the assets but in vain. Regards from ffffff2020. HSL-Zuid Amsterdam-Rotterdam_Assets.xls
  6. Hello, sir. My bridges near Rotterdam station are empty.Where are the bridges from? Regrads from ffffff2020.
  7. You're right, sir.It's here. Regards from ffffff2020.
  8. The railway bridges below are empty. Where can I setup the bridges? The route is the HSL - Zuid (Amsterdam - Rotterdam). Regards from ffffff2020.
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