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Taxi Driver
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About Thijmen.1666

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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Good morning sir, In front of you is a double ICNG to drive as Intercity Direct 1824 from Amersfoort Schothorst to Breda. You drive it yourself to Hilversum but where another NS driver will drive further to Breda. Prepare your train for departure and open the doors so that the passengers can board. The departure time from Amersfoort Schothorst is at 08:34 good luck and have fun with this short Intercity Direct ride!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Good afternoon sir, Today you may drive with the Keolis Blauwnet sprinter (RS22) 8547 from Zwolle to Kampen. You do this with a Keolis Flirt-3. Open your doors and prepare the train for departure. The departure time from Zwolle towards Zwolle Stadshagen and Kampen is at 14:47 have fun and good luck!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Good morning master, on this beautiful Friday morning you can drive with a double Breng GTW in the morning rush hour from Doetinchem to Arnhem Central with train 30712. Open the doors and prepare your train for departure. Your departure time from Doetinchem is scheduled for 07:08 AM after the Arriva local train has passed. Good luck!
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Good morning driver, the SLT (Sprinter Light train) has just arrived in Uitgeest. You may continue to drive this 10-car SLT as sprinter 4831 to Hoorn station. Open your doors and leave Uitgeest at 09:11 AM. Good luck!
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Good afternoon sir, intercity 749 has just arrived in Zwolle from Schiphol Airport in the meantime a colleague has handed over the train to you and you may drive this 7 carriages ICMm from Zwolle to Groningen all the way. Open your doors and leave Zwolle at 15:15 PM. Good luck!
  6. Version 1.0.0


    The morning rush hour has just passed and today you are allowed to travel with the Arriva local train 30822 from Winterswijk to Zutphen, because the new timetable of 2025 has started you will leave Winterswijk at 09:21PM. Open your doors and get your train ready. Departure time is therefore at 09:21PM. Good luck and have fun with the ride!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Good morning master, Today you are going from Winterswijk to Arnhem CS with an Arriva train 30917! Open your doors so the passengers can board and prepare your train for departure. Your departure time is at 07:50 PM good luck!
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Good morning master, Welcome to part 2 of the scenario with a LINT refueling in Hengelo. In part 1 on the Vechtdal lines you started the train in Mariënberg and drove to Almelo with passengers. Then drove to Almelo track 3A / track 203a (where you are now) and once the train has started and the braking test has been completed, you can drive to Hengelo track 304a where further instructions will follow. Good luck!
  9. Het werkt dankjewel!
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Good morning master, today you can refuel LINT 33 in Hengelo, but first you have a normal ride and then in Almelo you can drive to Hengelo. It is explained step by step what to do and where to go, so don't worry. First wake up the train and do the braking test + prepare it for departure. Good luck and have fun!
  11. Hoi zou iemand van de download managers even naar mijn scenario kunnen kijken? Ik heb een scenario gemaakt met een Lint tanken in Hengelo, maar ik kan niet tanken! Ik heb op advies van Sjef61 een topic aangemaakt, Ik weet wel waar het tank icoontje zit en dat je Shift T moet doen, maar hij doet het niet. Dus zou iemand van het download managers er naar kunnen kijken? Met vriendelijke groet, Thijmen
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Today you are traveling with the Arriva slow train 17825 from Apeldoorn to Zutphen, but it is snowing heavily and so it is slippery on the track. So pay close attention so you don't slip!
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Good morning driver, In front of you is a LINT to drive with the 31028 from Hardenberg station to Almelo! Start your train and prepare it for departure. Open your doors and leave Hardenberg at 07:46 AM. Good luck!
  14. Twee valleilijn Flirt treinen staan klaar voor vertrek op station Lunteren!
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