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ChrisTrains Stadler RS1 Scenario Pack

(0 reviews)
3.95 EUR

This scenariopack contains six engaging scenarios. We have given you a challenging experience to give you an example of all the features of the Christrains Stadler RS1. All scenarios have German announcing at the stations and have the Christrains Stadler RS1 as the train you drive!


This pack includes the following scenarios: 

Name Route Time
[TP-RS1] 1. Ersatzzug im Winter Three Country Corner Route 20 min
[TP-RS1] 2. Hin und her zwischen Koebler Wald en Bad Rinkenburg Im Koblitzer Bergland v3 Reloaded 45 min
[TP-RS1] 3. Von Köblitz nach Wildau mit dem RS1. Im Koblitzer Bergland v3 Reloaded 45 min
[TP-RS1] 4. Bommelzug nach Traben Trarbach Mosel Valley: Koblenz - Trier 50 min
[TP-RS1] 5. Entlang die Mosel nach Koblenz Mosel Valley: Koblenz - Trier 75 min
[TP-RS1] [TP-RS1] 6. Durch der Nebel nach Hosvenn Im Koblitzer Bergland v3 Reloaded 60 min

Required additional add-ons

ChrisTrains Stadler RS1
Dovetail European Loco & Asset Pack


Supplier SimTogether
Genre Add-on
Format Download
Required game Train Simulator 2015 or higher
Language  Dutch, English, German,
Operating system Windows® 7/8/8.1/10



Exclusive German Announcing (LUA scripting)
Hours of playingtime
Possibility to get the Christrains Stadler RS1 to learn;
All of the features which come with the Christrains Stadler RS1
Readme in Dutch and English
Free updates for life
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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