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ChrisTrains Traxx 186 + ICRmh Wagons

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22.95 EUR

The Traxx 186 and ICRmh Wagons is now available for Train Simulator Classic. Never before ChrisTrains delivered an add-on that includes so many features and functions. Switch between the simulated Train Protection System ATB and ETCS like in the real situation or drive based on the advanced cruise control AFB system. 3 versions, 6 different wagons and 9 consists are delivered with this amazing add-on.



A reproduction of the Bombardier F140MS2 Traxx 186 with ICRmh Intercity passenger wagons that can be seen all over the Netherlands.

Free scenarios for this train can be downloaded at SimTogether, available in the download section.

Special offer

if you purchase Christrains Traxx 186 add-on with SimTogether we have an exclusive offer for you: You will get access to multiple exclusive scenarios! 


Supplier ChrisTrains
Genre Add-on
Format Download
Required game Train Simulator 2015 or higher
Language  Dutch, English, German, French
Operating system Windows® 7/8/8.1/10



Scenarios for free
Exclusively on SimTogether

Engine and wagons.
3 versions of the engine - NS, NS Lease (grey), NMBS (Belgium)
6 passenger wagons in IC-Direct, IC-Brussels and Intercity versions - Apmz10, Bpmz10, Bpmez10, Bpmdz9, Bpmdez8, Bpmbdzf7
9 consists : IC Direct (16100, 16200, 16400), IC Den Haag-Eindhoven (16500), IC Brussels (16200-B, 16200-NL, 16400-B, 16400-NL), NS Lease
ATB-EG (train protection system) emulation & ETCS (the train protection component of the European Railway Traffic Management System ERTMS) emulation with shunting (SH), staff responsible (SR), full supervision (FS) and override modes.
Player-selectable voltages (supported countries: NL 1.5kV, NL 25kV, B 3kV, B 25kV, A 15kV, D 15kV
AFB emulation (similar to an advanced cruise control system)
Detailed cabview with a variation for the NMBS version.
Second class passenger view.
Dynamic autonumbering
Comes with ETCS track balise objects that can be used in scenarios to force the safety system to change modes (eg from ATB to ETCS)
Can be used in your own scenarios, and is available in QuickDrive.
English User's manual supplied as a PDF file.(The manual is available in Start->All Programs->ChrisTrains)
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