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Freiburg - Basel

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29.95 EUR

The route Freiburg - Basel is a part of the Rheintalbahn and is one of the most important route's for European railtraffic. The part from Freiburg HBF to Basel Badische Bahnhof is included with this add-on. The route is build in the era around 2013/2014. The highspeed line from Halting to Schliengen that was openend in 2012 is also included. The route is about 80 km long from start to end. For the cargotransport the Freiburg Güterbahnhof is included.

The ICE 1, Baureihe 111 and Baureihe 189 are included, there are also some doubledecker carriage's and trailerwagons included. With the route there are 10 careerscenario's. And a quick drive for free driving around the route.



The route starts on the main station of Freiburg (Breisgau) and goes to Basel Badischer main station. Als a part of the so called "Rhine Valley" is this a very important route between North and South Europe.It is the most used line of the German rail network, it is also a connection line between Switserland and France because it is the gateway to the recently opened Gotthard Base Tunnel.

The route is build in the era of 2013/2014, the most recently build high speed line between Halting and Schliengen is included. The high speed line crosses the so called "Katzenbergtunnel". There is a containerterminal included at Weil am Rhein which makes cargoscenario's more fun. In total there is about 80 km of route for a lot of fun.

There are about 20 higly detailed stations, hardly distinguishable from real. Next to the higly detailed stations, containerterminal and trackside's you can find many landmarks that make the route complete.


Supplier Aerosoft
Genre Add-on
Format Download
Required game Train Simulator 2015 or higher
Operating System Windows® 7/8/8.1/10
Processor (CPU) Quad Core with 2.6 GHz
Free disk space 5GB
Graphics card 1GB VRAM


80 km of railway
Realistic catenary
Realistic tracks with super elevation
Realistic signalling
Realistic point of view based on sattelite images
BR 189, BR 111, ICE 1
Doubledecks passengercarriage's
Freightwagon's for lorry's
10 career scenario's
Quickdrive scenario

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