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ChrisTrains LAAERS

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2.12 EUR

This add-on includes the Christrains LAAERS wagons, a small collection of car transporter wagons. Now available for Train Simulator!



Free scenarios for this train can be downloaded at SimTogether, available in the download section.

Both variants have a 'forward' and 'backward' version. For the cars to all point the same direction, a 'forward' wagons must be paired with a 'backward' wagon.


Supplier ChrisTrains
Genre Add-on
Format Download
Required game Train Simulator 2020 or higher
Language  Dutch, English, German, French
Operating system Windows® 7/8/8.1/10



Comes in two variants - DB Schenker and SITFA.
Both variants have a 'forward' and 'backward' version. For the cars to all point the same direction, a 'forward' wagons must be paired with a 'backward' wagon.
Each variant has 4 possible car arrangements (A/B/C/D).
Tick the 'cargo' box in the wagon properties when creating consists to see the cars.
Look for 'CT LAAERS' in the wagons list to find these wagons.
Free updates for life
Can be used in your own scenarios, and is available in QuickDrive.

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