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ChrisTrains NS Gbs

(0 reviews)
2.12 EUR
A basic Gbs goods / freight wagon. Designed to work with ChrisTrains rolling stock but should work with any other rolling stock in the game.

Comes in six versions - three brown versions, a fictional 'Molen Bieren' version, a green 'Red Cross' version and a white Frico wagon.


Uses smart scripting to place a flashing red light on the last wagon in a consist.


Can be used in your own scenarios.


Supplier ChrisTrains
Genre Add-on
Format Download
Required game Train Simulator 2015 or higher
Language  Dutch, English, German
Operating system Windows® 7/8/8.1/10


Full custom model, but uses the Railworks generic wagon sounds.
Comes in six versions
Uses smart scripting to place a flashing red light on the last wagon in a consist.
Comes with a simple scenario on the TestTrak to quickly show off the wagons.
Can be used in your own scenarios.
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