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Once you have listen to the sound that comes by default with the ELAP aiming the class Br 52 you better install the sound that is available at: www.rail-sim.de The soundpack you can download is far more originated instead of the default sounds that comes with the ELAP package.

The ELAP package comes by default when you purchase the Ruhr-Sieg Line. Even the USLAP package comes with the Ruhr-Sieg line. Now we will maintain the ELAP and by default the 52 5992 is ready to roll accordingly to the scenario "Historic Freight Train". However this scenario got some issues which I am trying to resolve but you do not neen any extra asset in order to run this scenario.

Most of the proper sound updates are at: "www.rail-sim.de"  In the download section you need to go to; 

 "https://rail-sim.de/forum/wsif/index.php/Category/85-Sounds/" store these files on a easy-to-acces location on your HD. NOw unzip all files and store theise unzipped files.

Now you check out all the available sounds according your collection of steamers, download them, unzip them and install them. Don't forget to back-up the original sounds, then install the updated sounds using the TS Package Installer.

Remember where you have stored these files. Otherwise open the Explorer by pressing [ Windows ] - [ E ], locate the file where you have stored the downloads for TS20xx. Now you select the sounds in the files at the proper location and install these RWP files using TS20XX default  installing program



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