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Hopefully you have done all the things you need to do in order to start driving a steam locomotive. I personally have done some sound modification and sound installations in order to get a better sound. Most engines comes with default sounds an do appear as some steam like noises instead of real sounds sampled from real engines. However you need to get the engine prepared now prior to departure.

As you have already done your duties and checking everything including the PC. Now it is time to set up the engine prior to your shift. 

Presuming you now got a good fire and the pressure gauge shows 15,5 bar. Now decrease the blower by pressing [Shift] - [ N ] but do not shut down the blower completely. Keep the damper open and open up the cylinder cocks to drain off water that is condensed in the cylinder steam.


The need to open the cylinder cocks is very important. Steam will condense back to water and water can not be compressed and therefore to get rid of the water out of the cylinder blocks you need to open the cylinder cocks in order to drain the water out of the cylinders. If you do not open the cylinder cocks the water will blow off your cylinders lids with a hughe damage to the cylinder blocks.

Now keep the brakes on and open the regulator slightly so the cilinders will be warmed up. Once you have done this check out the water level and if needed inject some water until the water level has reached at least 3/4 of the water glass. To do so you need to operate the injector. This device is actually created from 3 "funnels" fitted in a tube and one funnel is pointed in the opposite direction.  Now FIRST open the water flow by pressing [ K ] and THEN the steam flow by pressing [ I ]. Notice the sequence here please!!!! First WATER and then STEAM !!!!!!!!!    At advanced engines like the Just Trains steam locomotive Advanced range such as the British Standard class in the MT series, it is even more complicated and far more realistic then at the Br52 that comes by default with ELAP or Ruhr-Sieg line. 

In our case we are still operating the Br52. Now inject for about 2 - 3 minutes and the cease the injection of the water flow in reverse. This means close the steam flow prior to the water flow. In this case of the class Br52 press [ I ] and then [ Shift ] - [ K ]

Now once you have drained oof the water  and injected until the gauge shows 3/4 of the total water level.

Now you need to test the brake system. Press [ J ] in order to fill the brake pipes of the whole train and apply the brakes of the engine itself in order to avoid a run-away train. This can be achieved by pressing the bracket button  [ "}" ] Now when the brake pipes are filled up to about 5,5 atm apply the brakes by pressing [ "{" ] until the main brake pressure gauge shows 4,5 atm. You can also use your mouse hovering over the main brake lever which is situated just underneath the engine brake lever. Left click the mouse when you arew hovering over the main brake lever and pull the lever toward you until you have notice the train brake air gauge has reached 4,5 atm. 

Now cease the test braking test and push the lever towards to front of the engine. You can do this also by pressing [ "}" ] and scout the train brake gauge which will now increase to 5,5 atm. Once you have achieved all these sequences you are ready to pop off. 






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