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1 Screenshot

1. Route information
Altenburg is a German city, which is located near the river Rinke. For many centuries, the river was of
vital importance for the grain and timber trade. During this time, ships were the main means of
transport for trade. In the 19th century numerous coal mines opened in the region and became an
important economic factor. For better transport conditions the railway line from Altenburg to
Wildau was built between 1872 and 1876. After several years the railroad became the most
important means of transporting goods and people. Furthermore several branch lines were built to
connect industrial areas with the railway line. After the closure of the mines and the emergence of
the automobile in the 20th century, the carriage of goods moved increasingly on the road. So many
of the branch lines suffered a moribund existence. In the last decades of the 20th century many of
these lines were closed and later demolished in large part.
The railway line between Koeblitz and Wildau is one of the last local lines. There are only two timber
plants which are connected to the railway track. So the route has used rarely for freight transports.
Over the next years it will be rationalised for simple passenger services. A small section of the line
behind Wildau has owned by a heritage railway company, so the tracks to Hosvenn are preserved
and has been used for tourist traffic.
This fictional railway line could be situated in the environment of Trier, in the Eifel region or the High
Fens upland area.
Drive your way through the beautiful countryside and scenery and enjoy the romance and great
diversity of the German railroads!

2. Changes in the third version of the route
• Updating several objects to Train Simulator 2017
• Resignalling the complete route using signals from the German signal team
• Placing Semaphores on the line section between Koeblitz and Wildau
• Signalling on both ways between Altenburg and Koeblitz
• Laying PZB magnets from virtual Railroads
• Inserting Tunnel occlusion
• Reintegration of the former station building at Altenburg
• Improvement for the illuminating
• Correcting of the platform markers
• Changing partly speed limits
• Secondary route speed adapted to the primary route speed (track layout)
• Rectification / adaption of marker names
• Integration of new scenarios
• Creation of a working time table (WTT; „Buchfahrplan“)


3. Download content
• Altenburg - Wildau version 3 from SAD with many updates from Traindriver316
• Add-on 3 from SAD included Liebherr 900 rail digger and several objects for scenarios [..RailworksAssetsSAD2011]
• Signal gantry and rail operations objects from rschally
• Signal board set from Schienenbus
• Scenarios from dw-agency


Edited by Lander0606


We recommend the Railworks Pluspack Vol. 1 or the single pluspacks from TrainTeamBerlin for a major enjoyment of the included scenarios. The pluspacks provide a big enhancement to the standard rolling stock.
- http://www.trainteamberlin.de/

Further recommended is the Lighting Effects Enhancement Pack from Armstrong Powerhouse, which considerably improves the lighting conditions at various times of day.

1. Route-informatie
Altenburg is een Duitse stad, gelegen aan de rivier de Rinke. Eeuwenlang was de rivier van
vitaal belang voor de graan- en houthandel. Gedurende deze tijd waren schepen het belangrijkste middel van
transport voor handel. In de 19e eeuw werden in de regio talloze kolenmijnen geopend die een
belangrijke economische factor. Voor betere vervoersomstandigheden werd de spoorlijn van Altenburg naar
Wildau gebouwd tussen 1872 en 1876. Na enkele jaren werd de spoorlijn de meest
belangrijke middel om goederen en mensen te vervoeren. Verder werden er verschillende aftakkingen aangelegd die de 
industriegebieden verbonden met de spoorlijn. Na het sluiten van de mijnen en het ontstaan van
de automobiel in de 20e eeuw, bewoog het goederenvervoer zich steeds meer over de weg.

Veel aftakkingen hadden geen bestaansrecht  meer. In de laatste decennia van de 20e eeuw werden veel van deze lijnen gesloten en later grotendeels gesloopt.


2. Veranderingen in deze 3e versie
• Updaten van verschillende objecten naar Train Simulator 2017
• De volledige route opnieuw voorzien van seinen met behulp van signalen van het Duitse seinploeg
• Het plaatsen van semaforen op het lijnstuk tussen Koeblitz en Wildau
• Signalisatie op beide richtingen tussen Altenburg en Koeblitz
• PZB-magneten leggen van virtuele spoorwegen
• Tunnelocclusie inbrengen
• Re-integratie van het voormalige stationsgebouw te Altenburg
• Verbetering van de verlichting
• Correctie van de platformmarkeringen
• Gedeeltelijke snelheidslimieten gewijzigd
• Secundaire routesnelheid aangepast aan de primaire routesnelheid (baanlay-out)
• Correctie / aanpassing van markernamen
• Integratie van nieuwe scenario's
• Aanmaken van een werktijdenlijst (WTT; „Buchfahrplan“)


3. Download inhoud
• Altenburg - Wildau versie 3 van SAD met veel updates van Traindriver316
• Add-on 3 van SAD inclusief Liebherr 900 railgraver en verschillende objecten voor scenario's [..RailworksAssetsSAD2011]
• Signaalportaal en railoperaties objecten van rschally
• Signaalbordset van Schienenbus
• Scenario's van dw-agency

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