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Good afternoon, I would like to create ambient sounds first and then programmed ones, so those three things are essential, right? Just three things: .wav file and two blueprints Ambient Audio Control and Sound Blueprint.




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Yeah, that is just a regular ambient sound with a delay. That is done by controlling the steps you see in the second screenshot, like the 180 seconds and 30 seconds settings.

So yes, you should be able to do all of that now.


Loop = constantly looping sounds (sound is always playing)

One-shot = sounds play once every X time with up to X seconds variation (or depending on the controls in case of train audio)



Edited by Dwarsligger
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If it works in-game but not in the preview it's probably because in the preview time does not exist and the 180 seconds never start ticking.


Congrats on your working sound. 👍

  • 0
2 minutes ago, Dwarsligger said:

If it works in-game but not in the preview it's probably because in the preview time does not exist and the 180 seconds never start ticking.


Congrats on your working sound. 👍

Thank you very much, if I have any questions I'll let you know.

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The sound object  is a child object for a visible TSC object or a stand alone invisible sound object placed by an object








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Exactly. You add sound to the scenery object and not the other way around.


Does the file I sent you not work, after all, then? I thought you said it worked. 🤨

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You are putting geometry in the sound blueprint again. That is wrong. Read my explanation over and over until you understand.


15 minuten geleden, Ter160 zei:



This is bad. Don't do it.

  • 0
50 minuten geleden, Dwarsligger zei:

You don't seem to understand this. Keep reading my explanation until you understand. If you have questions, don't ask them, just read again.



I understand, but I'm missing something in your explanation.


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If you enter geometry there, it will only appear in the editor. That is for sounds without visible geometry.


Have you actually studied my files?













I don't try to be a jerk, but it's almost like you don't WANT to understand.


.igs in sound blueprint is bad. Kaka. Big no-no. Don't do it.


Sound blueprint inside scenery .xml file good. Do it. Epic win!

  • 0

Keep reading and compare my files to yours. I think you're doing Step 1 wrong. I think you forget to add the child to the blueprint.


In TSC, a blueprint (.xml file) can point to another blueprint. First you make the scenery object, then you point that to the sound blueprint.


In STEP 1, take a good look at the Children part, encircled in red. Do you have that in your scenery blueprint, too?


The object contains the sound, and not the other way around.

Edited by Dwarsligger

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