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Bastreinfan last won the day on May 26 2020

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  1. Dankjewel Alola! Dit zal inderdaad niet mijn terugkeer naar YouTube betekenen, maar wel mijn terugkeer naar Train Simulator spelen, maar dan voor mijn plezier ?. Heb nog een hoop release-waardige scenario's liggen waar ik motivatie voor heb om ze af te maken, dus die zullen wellicht ook nog volgen! (dit scenario was daar 1 van)
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Good morning driver, welcome to the future! In this scenario, you ride a fictional ride into the future. The ICNG has slowly started taking over ICMm services here, and the IC service to Amersfoort Schothorst has been extended to Amersfoort Vathorst. In this scenario, you may run 10 carriages of ICNG as an Intercity between Utrecht Centraal and Amersfoort Vathorst. Good luck!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Good morning driver! This scenario takes place in the (fictional) future. The NS has won the tender for the Valleiline, and you may ride the Sprinter between Hilversum and Barneveld Zuid. Good luck! All times in this scenario are fictional.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    In this scenario, you will ride the SNG as train 15855 from Hilversum to Amersfoort Vathorst. It seems to be a quiet day without any disruptions, but you never know!
  5. Version 1.0.0


    In this scenario you start in Deventer, where you get a call to go with the RXP 9902 as quickly as possible to Apeldoorn. There is a broken down IC Berlin, which you may pick up there. As soon as you are connected, you may leave for Deventer and Almelo, and try to make up for the delay of half an hour. But pay attention on the way! Since you are driving with a delay, you will be driving between the normal train traffic. The dispatcher will keep you informed during the ride. All AI trains in this scenario are based on the timetable as of March 2021.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    In this scenario, you'll ride the ChrisTrains SNG from Amersfoort to Harderwijk. You will be riding train 5617 on a saturday morning, which always starts in Amersfoort in stead of in Utrecht. You start at the yard Bokkeduinen, and from there you may drive the train to platform 2, where the passengers will board. board the train. From there you can leave as a sprinter to Zwolle.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Today you'll drive two NS FLIRTS from Harderveld Smilde to Zevenoord in a short and simple scenario. You'll be driving in the snow, so be careful!
  8. Version 1.0.0


    In this scenario you drive the Dutch DM'90 train as a excursion ride across the PON line. The scenario starts in Amersfoort where you can pick up the passengers for the excursion ride on platform 4a, after that you can start driving to Leusden. Once arrived at the PON site, you may turn back towards Amersfoort, where the passengers may be dropped off again on platform 4a. When all passengers have left the train, you'll need to drive the train back to the Railway Museum in Utrecht. But beware! You will have to drive in between normal train traffic! So expect some red signals..... All AI trains in this scenario are fully based on the 2020 timetable, on a weekend day. (under normal circumstances)
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Good evening driver, today you are in charge of the Stoptrein to Amersfoort Centraal. Good luck!
  10. Version 1.0.0


    A short scenario on the fictional Fictiva route. In this scenario you'll be driving a NS SNG from Zevenoord to Harderveld-Smilde. Good luck!
  11. Voorlopig even niet, ik vind Krammendijks Deltaland een fantastische route, alleen ik ben op dit moment druk bezig met andere zaken. Wie weet in de toekomst!
  12. Ik zie het al! Heb je wel de goede versie van de route geïnstalleerd? Dit is namelijk een trein die staat op Driebergen-Zeist, een station dat is veranderd in de update. Op V1.4 zou het scenario het gewoon moeten doen. V1.4 van de route is hier te downloaden: https://www.railsim.nl/forum_2012/index.php
  13. Ik denk dat je nog de verkeerde versie hebt van de route. Alle scenario's zijn gemaakt om te werken op 't Hart van Nederland V1.4. Als je nog V1.3 hebt, kan je dit soort meldingen krijgen. V1.4 is te downloaden op: https://www.railsim.nl/forum_2012/index.php
  14. Ah, als het nog steeds niet werkt dan kan je simpelweg het afkoppelen ook uit het scenario halen hoor.
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