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  1. Animatiker

    ICR with BDsf

    Thanks a for your help, Sjef61 - and for all your great objects! I made an account for railsim.nl a few days ago, so I was able to download the Plan W, but unfortunately I wasn't able to find the ICR itself - maybe I'm just too stupid. I'll try to write Marc D a message at railsim.nl!
  2. Animatiker

    ICR with BDsf

    Hello together! I'm new to simtogether (and quite new to Train Simulator itself) and I'm currently collecting the various Dutch stuff for TS. I already bought some of ChrisTrains's stuff and downloaded some routes, like The Heart of Netherlands or The IJssellijn. I'm currently checking the scenarios and found that there seem to be various variants of the Intercity rijtuig. I downloaded a few of them but I don't seem to find the one's in the Asset folder "MyRailDreams" with the BDsf stuurstandrijtuig. Is there any way to download them or are they included in some payware or freeware set? Thanks in advance! Sven
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