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Handcar Traveller
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  1. Version 1.0.0


    It is the middle of the nineties and you are asked to drive a NS CityPendel via the Old Line from Hemdrecht West to Krammendijk CS. There are no mayor issues reported, altough do have a good look around before departing Hemdrecht CS. This scenario is situated around 1996 (but no 100% perfection guaranteed).
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Railworks are ongoing between Hemdrecht Central and Puijenbroek. As a result, the 1400 series starts from Krammendijk Central. Some old DDM-1 stock is still driving in this sprinter series, with one of these you you wiil be driving the 701443 sprinter from Krammendijk Central to Zevenberg aan Zee. T There are no problems reported on the route, but you can enjoy the passing rolling stock. This scenario is situated around 2009 ( but no 100% perfection guaranteed).
  3. Version 1.0.0


    In this 2nd part you drive back to Alkmaar from Hoorn with the SGMm. When you leave Hoorn station, you must ask your train dispatcher for permission to pass a red signal. The timetable in this scenario is based on the timetable of Friday 10-12-2021. The player train is the 4856 sprinter to Amsterdam CS. Part 1 can be found here. Have fun driving, and enjoy the SGMm!
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This is the second to last day that the SGMm is in service, and you are able to drive one of them. Drive a stoppingservice from Alkmaar to Hoorn. In part 2 your will head back to Alkmaar. The timetable in this scenario is based on the real life timetable from friday 10-12-2021. The player train is the 4859 sprinter to Hoorn. Part 2 can be found here. Have fun driving, and enjoy the SGMm!
  5. Version 1.1.0


    Drive an evening rushhour Intercity service from Haarlem to Alkmaar. You will be driving a DD-AR set, and there are no expected difficulties. At the end of the trip, you will park the train in the railyard in Alkmaar. Enjoy!
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