Update ChrisTrains Traxx 186
Het opnieuw downloaden van het volledige bestand is niet nodig. De beschikbare patch downloaden en installeren is voldoende. Je vindt de patch in je account:
ChrisTrains has released an update for the ChrisTrains Traxx 186. The full release notes are at the bottom of this message.
Re-downloading the full file is not necessary. Downloading and installing the available patch is sufficient. You can find the patch in your account.
--Release notes--
========================= v1.1.0 Release Notes =========================
- Converted ATB-EG to the new style advanced ATB-EG being used in all other new models
- IMPORTANT: ATB Rem criterium (slowing down properly) can now ONLY be achieved using the pneumatic brakes
- New: ATB stop mode
- New: ATB cab bell audio functions
- New: ATB more rigorous overspeed checking
- New: ATB now uses ProRail stopping distances instead of the old "1km for everything" method when alerting drivers
- New: ATB respects signal-enforced limits from CoHa signals
- Updated consists to be available in all Dutch routes for quickdrive scenarios
- Updated cruise control function to be more efficient and removed redundant code
- Updated digital speedometer to be less 'heavy' in code and on rendering