94 records in this category
ChrisTrains has released small patches for Flirt3, ICM, SLT, ICNG, SNG and VIRM
Na de grote mid-life update van een aantal weken geleden, komen er altijd een paar kleine bugs aan het licht. Die zijn nu opgelost. De patches die deze bugs oplossen, zijn beschikbaar in je SimTogether account. Je hoeft NIET het volledige installatiebestand opnieuw te downloaden. De patches zijn voldoende (het kost je dan ook geen activering van de serial). De treinen die een patch hebben gekregen: Flirt3, ICM, SLT, ICNG, SNG en VIRM.
De patches zijn beschikbaar in je account.
After the big mid-life update a few weeks ago, naturally a couple of minor items cropped up that I missed. There are now small patches available in your SimTogether account that fix these issues. You do NOT need to download and re-install the complete product again - just use the patches. (Then you do not need to use up an activation code). The trains that have new patches available are the Flirt3, ICM, SLT, ICNG, SNG and VIRM.
Please download the patches in your account.
7 comments632 views -
3DZUG: Arbel cokescars.
New French freight cars to transport coal and cokes from cokesplants to blast furnaces. These cars saw extensive use in Belgium and France and even made their way to Rotterdam (Maasvlakte) and various cokesplants in Germany like the one in Bottrop.
Multipe variants and skins available with the CarCreator-feature, both empty and loaded versions as well as lower quality cars for AI-traffic.
More information available here:
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MannkKraft wins Screenshot of the Month August 22
A lot of votes have been submitted for the Screenshot of the Month. The winner of the Screenshot of the Month is @MannkKraft Congratulation, MannkKraft!
The awards have been added to the first, second and third places. New month, new chances!
Join the screenshot of the month here. https://www.simtogether.com/competition
3 comments428 views -
Update available for Retro Canvas Route
Met dank aan @Sjef61, TrainworX en Henk van Willigenburg hebben we zojuist een update op de Retro Canvas Route kunnen releasen! Versie 1.2 is nu beschikbaar en bevat onder andere updates aan de route en het meegeleverde route. Uiteraard volledig gratis voor bestaande klanten!
De update is te downloaden in je account. Download & installeer de Retro Canvas route opnieuw.
With thanks to @Sjef61, TrainworX and Henk van Willigenburg, we were able to release a new version of the Retro Canvas Route. Version 1.2 is now available and includes several improvements to the route and included rolling stock. This update is free for existing customers!
The update can be downloaded in your account. Please download and install a fresh installation of the route.
Log files:
- Wilbur Graphics rolling stock updated
- Platform passenger density increased
- Minor changes and additions e.g. police car (NatPol Opel Zafira) added
3 comments575 views -
JeykeySpotting wins Screenshot of the Month for May
Het is weer tijd om de winnaar van de Screenshot van de Maand bekend te maken. Voor Mei mogen we @JeykeySpotting feliciteren. Een prachtige screen en dikverdiende eerste plek. Ook felicitaties aan @berkhoutbum en @joeybongers1997 voor een welverdiende tweede en derde plek.
Dank een iedereen voor het stemmen! Je kunt weer meedoen aan de volgende ronde, de Juni ronde: https://www.simtogether.com/competition.
The time is there to announce the winners of the Screenshot of the Month for May. We’re excited to announce that @JeykeySpotting has won the competition this time. An amazing screen and well deserved first place! Also congratulations to @berkhoutbum and @joeybongers1997 for the respective second and third place. Well done!
Thanks to everyone for voting! It’s now possible to join the June round: https://www.simtogether.com/competition .
First place / Eerste plek:
Second place / Tweede plek:
Third place / Derde plek:
3 comments266 views -
Hockeylike wins Screenshot of the Month for July
Het is weer tijd om de winnaar van de Screenshot van de Maand bekend te maken. Voor Juli mogen we @hockeylike feliciteren. Een prachtige screen en dikverdiende eerste plek. Ook felicitaties aan @joeybongers1997 en @Bert-Tan voor een welverdiende tweede en derde plek.
Dank een iedereen voor het stemmen! Je kunt weer meedoen aan de volgende ronde, de augustus ronde: https://www.simtogether.com/competition
The time is there to announce the winners of the Screenshot of the Month for July. We’re excited to announce that @hockeylike has won the competition this time. An amazing screen and well deserved first place! Also congratulations to @joeybongers1997 and @Bert-Tan for the respective second and third place. Well done!
As of today it's possible to join the August round: https://www.simtogether.com/competition
Eerste plek / First place @hockeylike
Tweede plek / Second place: @joeybongers1997
Derde / Third place @Bert-Tan
3 comments268 views -
SKTrains: HLE13
Recently SKTrains released their first locomotive, the HLE13, a welcome addition for Belgian routes. 3 versions are included, NMBS/SNCB, CFL and Lineas. This Locomotive is NOT compatible with the 32bit version of Train Simulator.
It had some advanced scripting and functions:
• Realistic driving.
• TBL1 +.
• Dead-man's vigilance device (VA).
• Imposed speed.
• MUX system (multiple units)
• Realistic headlights and lanterns system.
• Realistic sounds.
• Inscriptions and signage in conformity.
• Voltage sensing on compatible lines.
Note from the creator:
Due to the delay of the accomplishment of ETCS and KVB's script, we aren't able to offer you these two security systems. Of course, a free upgrade/patch including these features will be available later. For the website, it will be operational the evening of the release. Moreover, the HLE13 available for sale can only be bought by PAYPAL for now. The other means of payment will be available on the website in the coming days.. Thank for you comprehension!
More information and of course where to buy:
2 comments1.8k views -
Minicheat wint Screenshot van de Maand!
It's time to announce the Screenshot of the Month winner for September 21. The winning screen is the screen submitted by @MiniCheat
MiniCheat, congratulations!
New month, new chances! Join the screenshot of the month here:
2 comments759 views -
VirtualRailroads: BR111 Orientrot (Version 2020)
VirtualRailroads has released a competely reworked version of their BR111 in the "Orientrot" livery. Multiple versions have been included, varying between square and round buffer, one-legged and two-legged pantographs etc.
The new version has all the elaborate functions known from the other VR loco's:
Prototypical traction and braking behaviour Prototypical monitoring of important systems Traction Motor Blower, Current etc. Brake modes R/P/G available High braking rate in mode R Prototypical PZB with train type O/M/U PZB Advisory System SiFa Vigilance System Regulator with Z-Regulation Switchable instrument and cab lights Windscreen wipers slow / fast Prototypical sounds optimized Manual Light cone regulation vR ZZA / Destination signs vR EBuLa system vR Message system Desk light and cab light TS Camera positions and weather effects
More information and where to buy:
2 comments976 views -
SKTrains: SNCB/NMBS I10 carriages.
SKTrains has released their second package of rolling stock, being the Belgian I10 carriages. For 8 euros you get 89 (!) different versions and liveries.
More images, information and of course where to buy:
2 comments908 views -
Release HSL route. ICNG gekocht op SimTogether? Nieuwe scenario's!
Bijna is het zover. Dan releasen @HSL en @Michael1234de nieuwe versie van de HSL route. In deze nieuwe versie is het traject Rotterdam - Antwerpen toegevoegd. Het stuk tussen Breda en Rotterdam is volledig voorzien van scenery.
Als trouwe SimTogether gebruiker, ontvang je morgen gloednieuwe scenario's voor deze nieuwe versie van de HSL-route. Een dankjewel voor je aankoop op SimTogether en om ervoor te zorgen dat je de nieuwe route direct kunt spelen.
Je vindt de nieuwe scenario's vanaf morgen in je account onder downloadbestanden bij de aankoop van de ICNG.
2 comments557 views -
Tychoopcfan wins Screenshot of the Month!
A lot of votes have been submitted for the Screenshot of the Month. The winner of the Screenshot of the Month is @tychoopcfan Congratulation, Tychoopcfan!
The awards have been added to the first, second and third places. New month, new chances!
Join the screenshot of the month here: https://www.simtogether.com/competition
2 comments623 views -
This is the Screenshot of the Year 2022
Finally we know the winner of the Screenshot of the Year for 2022. It's this amazing screen submitted by @Tychoo9600. Congratulations Tychoo9600 with this amazing award!
First place
Second place @Mike te Boekhorst
Third place @eddie
2 comments413 views -
RedmarStam wins Screenshot of the Month for November
It's time to announce the winner of the Screenshot of the Month for November. We're excited to announce that @RedmarStam has won the competition with this amazing screen. Congratulations to you Redmar.
Although Redmar is the winner, I'd like to emphasise that it was an extremely close call. 22 votes for Redmar, 21 votes for @Machininst Joshua. Thanks for voting everyone!
It's now possible to share your screen for the December round: https://www.simtogether.com/competition
First place @RedmarStam
Second place @Machininst Joshua
Third place: @iGabriël
2 comments371 views -
RedmarStam wins Screenshot of the Year 2023
Eindelijk mogen we de winnaar van de Screenshot van het Jaar bekend maken. Deze felbegeerde titel gaat naar @RedmarStam. Redmar mag een jaar lang met deze titel pronken! Van harte gefeliciteerd Redmar!
@Blije Computer is op de tweede plek geeindigd. @Patrick en @Chloe delen een welverdiende derde plek.
Dank een iedereen voor het stemmen!
Finally, we know the winner for Screenshot of the Year 2023. We are more than excited to announce that @RedmarStam has won the competition. Redmar is allowed to flaunt with this prestigious title. Congratulations Redmar!
@Blije Computer has finished in the second place. @Patrick and @Chloe are sharing a well deserved third place.
Thanks to everyone for voting!
First place / Eerste plek:
Second place / Tweede plek:
Shared third place / Gedeelde derde plek:
2 comments349 views -
Machininst Joshua wins Screenshot of the Month for January 24
Het is weer tijd om de winnaar van de Screenshot van de Maand bekend te maken. Voor Januari mogen we @Machininst Joshua feliciteren. Een prachtige screen en dikverdiende eerste plek. Ook felicitaties aan @Blije Computer en @Sjef61 voor een welverdiende tweede en derde plek.
Dank een iedereen voor het stemmen! Je kunt weer meedoen aan de volgende ronde, de februari ronde: https://www.simtogether.com/competition.
The time is there to announce the winners of the Screenshot of the Month for January. We’re excited to announce that @Machininst Joshua has won the competition this time. An amazing screen and well deserved first place! Also congratulations to @Blije Computer and @Sjef61 for the respective second and third place. Well done!
Thanks to everyone for voting! It’s now possible to join the next February round: https://www.simtogether.com/competition .
First place / Eerste plek:
@Machininst Joshua
Second place / Tweede plek:
@Blije Computer
Third place / Derde plek:
2 comments238 views -
Machininst Joshua wins Screenshot of the Month for June
Het is weer tijd om de winnaar van de Screenshot van de Maand bekend te maken. Voor Juni mogen we @Machininst Joshua feliciteren. Een prachtige screen en dikverdiende eerste plek. Ook felicitaties aan @berkhoutbum en @ts.2021fan voor een welverdiende tweede plek (gedeeld).
Dank een iedereen voor het stemmen! Je kunt weer meedoen aan de volgende ronde, de Juli ronde: https://www.simtogether.com/competition
The time is there to announce the winners of the Screenshot of the Month for June. We’re excited to announce that @Machininst Joshua has won the competition this time. An amazing screen and well deserved first place! Also congratulations to @berkhoutbum and @ts.2021fan for the respective second place (shared). Well done!
As of today it's possible to join the July round: https://www.simtogether.com/competition
Eerste plek / First place: @Machininst Joshua
Tweede plek / Second place: @berkhoutbum
Tweede plek / Second place: @ts.2021fan
2 comments287 views -
Yzerenweg wins Screenshot of the Month for October 2024
Het is weer tijd om de winnaar van de Screenshot van de Maand bekend te maken. Voor oktober mogen we @yzerenweg feliciteren . Een prachtige screen en dik verdiende eerste plek.
Ook felicitaties aan @Sikkenbaas en @Jdktheking voor een welverdiende gedeelde tweede plek.
Dank een iedereen voor het stemmen! Je kunt weer meedoen aan de volgende ronde, de november ronde: https://www.simtogether.com/competition
The time is there to announce the winners of the Screenshot of the Month for October. We’re excited to announce that @yzerenweg has won the competition this time. An amazing screen and well deserved first place! Also congratulations to @Sikkenbaas and @Jdktheking for the shared second place. Well done!
As of today it's possible to join the November round: https://www.simtogether.com/competition
Eerste plek / First place @yzerenweg
Tweede plek / Second place @Sikkenbaas
Derde plek/ Third place @Jdktheking
2 comments235 views -
Screenshot of the Year 2024: JeykeySpotting
We zijn verheugd de winnaar van de "Screenshot van het Jaar 2024" award aan te kondigen. Deze award erkent de screenshot die opvalt door creativiteit, verhalende kracht en visuele uitmuntendheid. De competitie omvatte een breed scala aan indrukwekkende inzendingen van verschillende SimTogether-gebruikers.
@JeykeySpotting is de winnaar en wint een voucher voor de SimTogether Webshop. Van harte gefeliciteerd!
We are pleased to announce the winner of the "Screenshot of the Year 2024" award. This award recognizes the screenshot that stands out for its creativity, storytelling, and visual excellence. The competition featured a wide range of impressive submissions from several SimTogether users.
@JeykeySpotting is the winner and wins a voucher for the SimTogether Webshop. Congratulations!
Eerste plaats / First place
Tweede plaats / Second place
Derde plaats / Third place
2 comments128 views -
Simexpress: CC6500
Simexpress has recently released a new locomotive, the CC6500. This French series of six-axle locomotives were build between 1969 and 1975 and used for fast passenger trains and heavy freight trains. They were build for use on the 1.5kV railway lines.
The locomotive comes in 3 series/variants with each 2 or 3 liveries. The locomotive comes with advanced driving features:
• Realistic driving
• Engine compartiment modeled and functionnal
• Pneumatic assembly fully modeled
• Switchable brakes regimes
• functionnal gearshift
• Functional failure system
• Functional “VACMA” system
• Realistic KVB
• Pre-announcement for traffic at 200 km/h functional
• Disengageable safety systems for more flexibility
• Stereo sounds recorded on the actual machine
• high resolution 3D and textures
• Variable speed for wipers
• Realistic headlight/rearlights management
• Markings and inscriptions in conformity
• Management of pantographs for trains AI trains
More information can be found here:
1 comment1.6k views -
TSG: Rübelandbahn
A few days ago, TSG released their new route, the Rübelandbahn.
It can be bought in two versions, the standard edition (29.95€) or the JTG edition (37.95€), which comes with four extra scenarios.
1 comment2.3k views -
SkTrains | AM/MS 96 Release!
Zojuist is de NMBS AM/MS 96 gereleased door SkTrains, deze trein kun je hier kopen https://sktrains.be/nl/home/31-sktrains-amms-96-.html
Realistisch rijden TBL1 + Dodemansknop Opgelegde snelheid Realistisch koplamp systeem Realistische geluiden Conforme markeringen en bewegwijzering Autostart ( CTRL+Z) DRIS (dynamisch reizigersinformatiesysteem) GSM-r
1 comment1.1k views -
Tychoopcfan wins Screenshot of the Month for February 22
The winner of the Screenshot of the Month for February is @tychoopcfan! Congratulations Tychoopcfan! The awards have been added to the first, second and third places.
New month, new chances! Join the screenshot of the month here.
1 comment445 views -
Update for ChrisTrains SNG
ChrisTrains heeft een grote update uitgebracht voor de ChrisTrains SNG.
De update is gratis voor bestaande klanten en kan worden gedownload in je account. Download het volledige installatiebestand opnieuw en installeer de SNG.
ChrisTrains has been released a big update for the ChrisTrains SNG.
The update is free for existing customers and can be downloaded in your account. Re-download the full installation file and install the SNG.
1.1 Patch / Release notes.
- New: Swapped to the master destination list. This change COULD break repaints and existing scenarios
- New: Added power 'smoothing' to make the train 'feel' heavier
- New: ATB now monitors overspeed much more rigorously
- New: ATB e-brake if exceeding 40km/h in reverse
- New: Parked consists now have one pantographs raised
- New: Drivers no longer appear in 'dead' or parked consists
- New: Passengers no longer appear in 'dead' or parked consists
- Fixed: ATB alert bell would not sound in certain situations
- Fixed: ATB remcriterium light behaviour was unreliable. Now works correctly
- Fixed: A lot of weirdness in the airbrake pressures when coupling multiple consists together
1 comment1.1k views -
Chloe wins Screenshot of the Month October
A lot of votes have been submitted for the Screenshot of the Month. The winner of the Screenshot of the Month is (again ?) @Chloe. Congratulations, Chloe!
The awards have been added to the first, second and third places. New month, new chances!
Join the screenshot of the month here: https://www.simtogether.com/competition
First place: @Chloe
Second place: @Tychoo9600
Third place: @MadelynTS
First place:
Second place:
Third place:
1 comment590 views