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Het is nu mogelijk om te stemmen op de Screenshot van de Maand februari! It is now possible to vote for the Screenshot of the Month February! ×


First Downloads Live!/Eerste downloads live!

As I've promised yesterday, the first downloads have been uploaded to the site:   The Great War Scenario Pack  Includes two scenarios for the Weardale route and they take you back into 1914, just before the war started. Hop onto a NER O class with a local passenger train on a freezing cold winter morning, or drive the humble NER C Class on a stopping freight through the blistering heat of the August sun.             NER Class T(2) - ROD Livery Reskin



An Update on the project/Een update over het project

After a very long silent period of 6 months, it's no surprise that one might have considered this project dead. Rest assured, quite the opposite is the case! The long silence was due to not much happening (It's not called "All Quiet on the Western Front" for nothing ?). However, there is news now! We've finally started work on the route!  Also, I will upload the promised reskins/products within the following days.   Na een zeer lange stille periode van 6 maanden is het g



New Download available/Niew Download beschijkbar

This post was originally posted in the 'Railway Operating Division' Club on December 15th, 2019. Since the Club has been deleted, for whatever reason, I'll be reposting the original posts here. Deze post was oorspronkelijk gepost op 15 december 2019 in de 'Railway Opperating Division' club. Sinds de Club werd verwijderd, waarom ook altijd, werd ik die oorspronkelijke  posts hier terug posten.   Now available on UKTS: Animated Railway Gun 'Boche Buster' Nu beschikbaar via UKTS: A



A word from the initiator/Éen woord van de initiator

This post was originally posted in the 'Railway Operating Division' Club on November 23rd, 2019. Since the Club has been deleted, for whatever reason, I'll be reposting the original posts here. Deze post was oorspronkelijk gepost op 23 november 2019 in de 'Railway Opperating Division' club. Sinds de Club werd verwijderd, waarom ook altijd, werd ik die oorspronkelijke  posts hier terug posten.   I've asked the initiator of the project, UKTS user sem34090, to write a word about the pro



Currently in production/Momenteel in productie

This post was originally posted in the 'Railway Operating Division' Club on November 17th, 2019. Since the Club has been deleted, for whatever reason, I'll be reposting the original posts here. Deze post was oorspronkelijk gepost op 17 november 2019 in de 'Railway Opperating Division' club. Sinds de Club werd verwijderd, waarom ook altijd, werd ik die oorspronkelijke  posts hier terug posten.   To complete my post yesterday, I will today explain what currently is in production, and w




This post was originally posted in the 'Railway Operating Division' Club on November 16th, 2019. Since the Club has been deleted, for whatever reason, I'll be reposting the original posts here. Deze post was oorspronkelijk gepost op 16 november 2019 in de 'Railway Opperating Division' club. Sinds de Club werd verwijderd, waarom ook altijd, werd ik die oorspronkelijke  posts hier terug posten.   Hello Simtogether, My name is Gaëtan, and I'll be the 'correspondent' for this project h



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