[Fictional] De Beerdrechtse Velden route
The "Beerdrechtse Velden route" is a fictional route based on the Netherlands and is build by ClipmeneerNL
The Beerdrechtse Velden route is a route that is located in the province of 'Beerdrechtse Velden'. This province has 3 major cities, these are Beerdrecht, Meerhoven and Veermarkt. This province also has some smaller villages, such as Doornsveld, IJkerke, Enkmeer, Visschoten and many more.
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1 file
De Beerdrechtse Velden Route V0.3
By ClipmeneerNL
The Beerdrechtse Velden route is a route that is located in the province of 'Beerdrechtse Velden'. This province has 3 major cities, these are Beerdrecht, Meerhoven and Veermarkt. This province also has some smaller villages, such as Doornsveld, IJkerke, Enkmeer, Visschoten and many more.
In V0.3 the small 9 km railway line between Doornsveld and IJkerke can be used. This railway line is perfect for a short trip, with 1 train you can easily drive a half-hourly service. The first and last train of the day leaves/goes to Meerhoven, where the train is set up.
In this version there is also track outside this line, you can drive on it, but I do not provide support for this.