Add here timetables for Train Sim World (2).
7 files
Buchfahrplan Duisbug-Bochum voor TSW2
By rcdevisser
A few days ago uploaded to rail-sim.de now also here available as well.
The track list is released as a Beta version like the earlier tracks lists released in this category.
The track list from Duisburg to Bochum and back.
It is now possible driving the route without the use of the HUD display.
A track list contains major information about speed, stations, junctions, etc, etc, concerning the mentioned route.
Normally on paper (See image) but also electronic (eBULa) implemented in real engines.
However this release is PDF only.
Have fun using it.
Original example of a page of a buchfahrplan
Voorbeeld van een original buchfahrplan pagina
Buchfahrplan Hagen-Wuppertal 012 TSW2.pdf
By rcdevisser
Buchfahrplan Hagen-Wuppertal v0.1.2. voor TSW2
Hi to all,
It took a while to set up this track list due to the variety of different tracks numbers running alongside each other and especially at the S-Bahn track.
At least 4 different track/ route numbers are included at the S-Bahn track as was quite complicated to set up the track list as realistic as possible.
To keep track and to maintain overview an extra column is added for extra support between Wuppertal and Schwelm because three different line numbers (freight track, Main track and S-Bahn track with corresponding km. posts. These km/ posts are running alongside each other and might cause the loss of the correct overview of the correct km. posts.
On creation of this list the website "NRW bahnarchiv" is researched and investigated for the proper lineside information and shows off many abandoned tracks and branch lines in the area and most of these abandoned lined are demolished but at some locations joined together such as at the S-Bahn line causing a variety of different proper km. posts.
When there is still some incorrect information in the list please feel free to inform me so I might change minor mistakes for a next update.
Buchfahrplan Hagen-Wuppertal 012 TSW2.pdf
- Hagen-Wuppertal
- Buchfahrplan
- (and 6 more)
Buchfahrplan DB 5503 / 5543 / 5581 Munich-Augsburg TSW2 V014
By rcdevisser
The fifth track list (Buchfahrplan) in range of the earlier lists covering the route between Munich and Augsburg.
This kind of lists are in use either Digital (eBULa) in prresent locomotives, EMU's and DMU's and or in booklet volume on older type of German lovcomotives.
Though the route is also available in TS20xx it is not testet with the TS20xx version.
- Buchfahrplan
- timetable
- (and 2 more)
Buchfahnplan DB5200-DB5213-DB5220 Aschaffenburg Hbf. - Gemunden Hbf. 1.0.1
By rcdevisser
This is the Track List of the route: Aschaffenburg Hbf. - Gemunden Hbf. (Beta)
It is now possible to drive completely without HUD display.
The Track List contains:
DB 5200 - Aschaffenburg - Heigenbrucken - Gemunden.
DB 5213 - Freight line Lohr - Lohr South / Wombach.
DB 5220 - Aschaffenburg - Aschaffenburg South - Aschaffenburg Harbour Yard.
Any improvements can be proposed by sending my a notification.
Have fun driving it,
Buchfahrplan DB5200-DB5213-DB5220 - Aschaffenburg - Gemunden 101 - TSW2.docx
Buchfahrplan DB2600-DB2622 - Köln - Düren - Aachen
By rcdevisser
This is the Track List of the HSL Köln-Aachen. (Beta)
It is now possible to drive completely without HUD display.
The Track List contains:
DB 2600 - High Speed Line between Köln and Aachen and back
DB 2622 - Surburan Rail Line between Köln and Düren (S12 / S13) and back.
Any improvements can be proposed by sending my a notification.
Have fun driving it,
TSW2020 / TSW2 Buchfahrplan DB 2800 Kbs 460 Hagen Finnentrop und zuruck
By rcdevisser
A complete overhauled Track List of route DB 2800 Kbs 460 (Hagen-Finnentrop) with the seperate freight track alongside the main line between Hagen Freight Yatd and Hagen Kabel Freight Yard. The information includes also branch line junctions, Level-Crossings Distance, Entrance- and Exit Signals along the whole route.
A explanation of the Trapezium Signal post Ne1 is included and will explain how to hande in case of left hand driving. These signal post are notable in the area of Hagen and some of these signals are mentioned in the Track List.
You are now able to drive this route without the use of the HUD display. All information concerning the train / locomotive are visable at the control desk of the train. All information is given on gauges and screens.
This Track list can be used at the TS20xx versions as well but it is not tested on the Ruhr-Sieg line from Kuju and either the freeware version Kbs460 Ruhr-Sieg line v314 which is available in the download section of rail-sim.de. Please be advised that the southern part of the route (Finnentrop-Siegen) is not included in this Track List for TSW and therefore if you should use this Track List only the Northern part of the route is completely mentioned.
Have fun on driving,
Train Sim World® 2020 Train Sim World® 239 downloads
TSW2020 Track List (Buchfahrplan) for Rapid Transit
By rcdevisser
The majority of European Railroads uses a track information system bundled in a rack of handheld paperbacks which is to be used by the driver. In German it is called a "Buchfahrplan" and tells the driver every specification on the route the driver is shifted on. These paperbacks are not intended for public use and neither travellers. Each cabin of a locomotive contains a library of track lists fitted in a rack of paperbacks. For each route the driver is dispatched to it, he/she will have the corresponding track list for the route the drives intend to drive. The present time al Track lists are electronically stored in the computers of the locomotive, EMU or DMU, This isystem is also known as "eBULa"
This Track List is intended to be used with the Rapid Transit Route Dessau Hbf - Markkleeberg Gaschwitz from TSW
This beta version contains some inproper information of the route.
If you find any irregularity due to calculation, Kilometerposts notification or others inproper notification, please DM me right away.
The best way is to donwload and print out, or if you got a tablet, sent it to your tablet and use your tablet as a "Buchfahrplan' . Keep the tablet open while driving.
Have fun with it.
Train Sim World® 2020
Buchfahrplan Rapid Transit Dessau-Leipzig TSW.pdf