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2 files

  1. [DEC] NS SNG Soundmod

    With this SNG soundmod, we want to show what is possible with soundmodding, so we try to make it as accurate as possible. Cab noises, rolling noises and engine noises were all recorded by our team and a few train drivers. 


       (7 reviews)



  2. ChrisTrains NS SNG Soundmod

    This Mod changes the entire sound within Train Simulator. Almsot everything has been redone and modified. In addition the driving physics have been overhauled including the removal of the camera shaking when braking or accelerating
    A preview video is here
    Sounds have been mainly been taken form this video and some rest from here. Additional sounds are either my own or were sent to me for other trains. But they fit here aswell
    1. Install the SNG DLC by ChrisTrains
    2. Go to your Train Simualtor main folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\ common\RailWorks). There is a executable program called Utilities.exe. Under the section Package Manager you can install the *.rwp file included in the download.
    If there is a problem with installing, you can try installing it manually:
    1. Open the *.rwp with WinRAR or 7Zip. You’ll find a folder called ‘Assets’.
    2. Copy this folder into you Train Simualtor main directory and overwrite everything when asked
    Cover photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/berthollander/45219038261/ - CC BY SA 3.0


       (2 reviews)



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