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1 Screenshot

In this scenario, you work today in the Cargo and Shunting Service Kiel. In the harbor you have to shunt and pick up a trunk of closed cars for Lübeck. Then you go with the tribe of closed cars to Lubeck.

In this first part we will shunt. Today you are on the road with Ludmilla (BR 232) Good luck!


This is a semi realistic scenario. All AI passenger trains run according to the real 2020 timetable in force in Germany. Freight trains in the scenario are fictional.

Benodigde routes voor diverse materieel:


- Mighty Seddin Freight Route Add-On van DTG https://store.steampowered.com/app/562372/Train_Simulator_Mighty_Seddin_Freight_Route_AddOn/

- Hamburg-Lübeck Railway Route Add-On https://store.steampowered.com/app/325988/Train_Simulator_HamburgLbeck_Railway_Route_AddOn/

- Cologne-Dusseldorf Route Add-On https://store.steampowered.com/app/65246/Train_Simulator_CologneDusseldorf_Route_AddOn/

- Mosel Valley: Koblenz - Trier Route Add-On https://store.steampowered.com/app/325981/Train_Simulator_Mosel_Valley_Koblenz__Trier_Route_AddOn/




- DB BR 445 / 446 Twindexx Vario van Railtraction https://www.railtraction.eu/train-simulator/train-sim-add-ons/electric-locomotives/db-regio-twindexx.html

- DB BR 648 Lint 41 van Railtraction https://www.railtraction.eu/train-simulator/multiple-units/br-648.html




BR648 ZZA-Norddeutschland repaint https://rail-sim.de/forum/filebase/entry/4834-br648-zza-norddeutschland/

- [STWS] BR 446 Repaint Nah.SH Twindexx repaint https://rail-sim.de/forum/filebase/entry/3720-stws-br-446-repaint-nah-sh/




- 3D-Zug KIpack Verkehrspack Güterwagen https://www.3dzug.de/?cat=c48_Verkehrspacks-Verkehrspacks.html



In dit scenario werk je vandaag in de Cargo en Rangeerdienst Kiel. In de haven moet je wat rangeren en een een stam gesloten wagens voor Lübeck ophalen. Daarna ga je met de stam gesloten wagens naar Lubeck.

In dit eerste deel gaan we rangeren. Je gaat vandaag op pad met Ludmilla (BR 232) Succes!


Dit is een semi realistisch scenario. Alle AI personen treinen rijden volgens de echte dienstregeling van 2020 die in Duitsland van kracht is. Goederentreinen in het scenario is fictief.


Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U47-2EQgrYs


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Bonjour. Merci, c'est une belle activité ! Un ami l'a également testée en même temps que moi. On regrette juste l'horaire imposée pour les deux dernières taches qu'il est difficile de respecter. Meilleurs salutations de France. 

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