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Train Simulator wilt niet openen in 64 Bits versie



Geachte treinfanaten op dit forum,


Sinds vandaag wil ik weer graag Train Simulator gaan spelen na een lange tijd. Doordat ik erg ziek ben, had ik spontaan de behoefte opeens hierin. Ben beetje door de dag heen naast het slapen en uitrusten, bezig geweest met het installeren van alle assets etc. Zodra ik momenteel Train Simulator wil openen, werkt de 64 Bits versie niet. Echter werkt de 32 Bits versie wel, maar krijg dan al snel de melding van 'Out of memory'. Naar mijn wetende zou mijn PC makkelijk de 64 Bits versie kunnen runnen (Qua specs). Is er iemand die mij wellicht hiermee kan helpen? Zou het best jammer vinden als na al het harde werk, het niet werkt. 


Linkje naar de video met het probleem: https://youtu.be/iIG6xgWR6zY


Schermafbeelding 2023-07-20 224436.png

Edited by JustQuintus
Mijn IP-adres was helaas zichtbaar :)
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Dus een kaal opnieuw geïnstalleerde TS zonder eigen toevoegingen werkt ook niet?

Ik zie trouwens  dat je de TS opstart uit je backup map  die niet werkt en niet uit de railworks map waar de opnieuw geïnstalleerde kale versie zou moeten staan 


Heb je gecontroleerd of alle hulpprogramma's up to date zijn zoals;




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Railworks staat er 2x in,

Als het proces is onderbroken dan moet je ff handmatig dat proces  beëindigen voordat je Railworks weer opstart. 



mm. ja, ik zou het zo snel ook niet weten waarom 32 bit wel en 64bit niet werkt,

Geen conflict met je 4rus scanner??

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Ik heb nog een aantal  ideeën:

1. instellingen van TS resetten(playerprofiles.bin en evt playerprofiles.xml uit Railworks\Content verwijderen)

2. SDBCache.bin en SDBCache.bin.MD5 uit Railworks\Content verwijderen

3. Cache legen met deze tool

4. RailWorks64.exe verwijderen een steam validatie uitvoeren


Mocht dit allemaal niet werken, heb ik ook geen idee

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Bedankt voor de hulp heren, helaas zonder succes. Hebben jullie iets aan deze steam log na het openen van TS64x?


Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - Module file name: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\gameoverlayrenderer64.dll
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - GameID = 24010, OverlayGameID = 24010
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - System page size: 4096
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - Hooking SetCursorPos, GetCursorPos, ShowCursor, SetCursor, and GetCursor
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - Game is using D3D9 or D3D9Ex, preparing to hook.
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - Game is using dinput8, preparing to hook.
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - XInput Hooked XInputEnable Version 13
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - XInput Hooked XInputGetBatteryInformation Version 13
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - XInput Hooked XInputGetCapabilities Version 13
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - XInput Hooked XInputGetDSoundAudioDeviceGuids Version 13
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - XInput Hooked XInputGetKeystroke Version 13
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - XInput Hooked XInputGetState Version 13
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - XInput Hooked XInputGetStateEX Version 13
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - XInput Hooked XInputSetState Version 13
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - Modules at GameOverlayRenderer.dll attach
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 01: RailWorks64.exe - (0000000140000000 to 0000000140062000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 02: ntdll.dll - (00007FFB27E50000 to 00007FFB28064000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 03: KERNEL32.DLL - (00007FFB271A0000 to 00007FFB27262000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 04: KERNELBASE.dll - (00007FFB25280000 to 00007FFB25623000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 05: USER32.dll - (00007FFB260B0000 to 00007FFB2625A000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 06: win32u.dll - (00007FFB25250000 to 00007FFB25276000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 07: GDI32.dll - (00007FFB270B0000 to 00007FFB270D9000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 08: gdi32full.dll - (00007FFB25770000 to 00007FFB25889000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 09: msvcp_win.dll - (00007FFB25A00000 to 00007FFB25A9A000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 10: ucrtbase.dll - (00007FFB25AA0000 to 00007FFB25BB1000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 11: VCRUNTIME140.dll - (00007FFB06890000 to 00007FFB068AB000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 12: IMM32.DLL - (00007FFB26260000 to 00007FFB26291000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 13: GameManagerVC64.dll - (0000000180000000 to 0000000182795000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 14: SHELL32.dll - (00007FFB265F0000 to 00007FFB26DE9000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 15: WINMM.dll - (00007FFB1C200000 to 00007FFB1C234000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 16: d3d9.dll - (00007FFB091B0000 to 00007FFB09359000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 17: RPCRT4.dll - (00007FFB27990000 to 00007FFB27AA7000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 18: steam_api64.dll - (00007FFB08A40000 to 00007FFB08A8C000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 19: msvcrt.dll - (00007FFB278E0000 to 00007FFB27987000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 20: ADVAPI32.dll - (00007FFB27830000 to 00007FFB278DE000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 21: sechost.dll - (00007FFB27650000 to 00007FFB276F4000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 22: VERSION.dll - (00007FFB1DE40000 to 00007FFB1DE4A000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 23: ole32.dll - (00007FFB27C70000 to 00007FFB27E0C000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 24: combase.dll - (00007FFB272C0000 to 00007FFB27649000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 25: OLEAUT32.dll - (00007FFB26300000 to 00007FFB263D7000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 26: WS2_32.dll - (00007FFB26F70000 to 00007FFB26FE1000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 27: dwmapi.dll - (00007FFB21D30000 to 00007FFB21D5B000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 28: SHLWAPI.dll - (00007FFB262A0000 to 00007FFB262FE000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 29: zlibwapi64.dll - (00007FFB1A6C0000 to 00007FFB1A6DD000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 30: COMDLG32.dll - (00007FFB264F0000 to 00007FFB265E7000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 31: gdiplus.dll - (00007FFB0FC80000 to 00007FFB0FE39000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 32: shcore.dll - (00007FFB26DF0000 to 00007FFB26EE1000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 33: MSVCP140.dll - (00007FFB067E0000 to 00007FFB0686E000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 34: urlmon.dll - (00007FFB0AC00000 to 00007FFB0ADF0000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 35: VCRUNTIME140_1.dll - (00007FFB02460000 to 00007FFB0246C000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 36: COMCTL32.dll - (00007FFB15860000 to 00007FFB15AEE000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 37: DINPUT8.dll - (00007FFB089F0000 to 00007FFB08A36000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 38: d3dx9_43.dll - (00007FFAE1190000 to 00007FFAE13F3000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 39: OpenAL64.dll - (0000000066140000 to 0000000066357000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 40: MSVCR100.dll - (0000000066060000 to 0000000066132000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 41: dxcore.dll - (00007FFB21FF0000 to 00007FFB22028000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 42: iertutil.dll - (00007FFB112E0000 to 00007FFB11591000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 43: srvcli.dll - (00007FFB1EF10000 to 00007FFB1EF39000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 44: netutils.dll - (00007FFB23D30000 to 00007FFB23D3C000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 45: LocalisedStrings64.dll - (0000000002130000 to 0000000002158000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 46: PhysXLoader64.dll - (0000000002160000 to 0000000002175000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 47: PhysXCooking64.dll - (00000000021A0000 to 000000000221A000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 48: XINPUT1_3.dll - (0000000002220000 to 000000000223E000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 49: IPHLPAPI.DLL - (00007FFB23DB0000 to 00007FFB23DDD000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 50: SETUPAPI.dll - (00007FFB25C30000 to 00007FFB260A4000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 51: WSOCK32.dll - (00007FFB216D0000 to 00007FFB216D9000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 52: inputhost.dll - (00007FFB07D40000 to 00007FFB07F41000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 53: CoreMessaging.dll - (00007FFB20A80000 to 00007FFB20BB3000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 54: steamclient64.dll - (00007FFAD2D10000 to 00007FFAD4300000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 55: CRYPT32.dll - (00007FFB25890000 to 00007FFB259F7000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 56: imagehlp.dll - (00007FFB263F0000 to 00007FFB2640F000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 57: PSAPI.DLL - (00007FFB26470000 to 00007FFB26478000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 58: vstdlib_s64.dll - (00007FFAFD270000 to 00007FFAFD323000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 59: MSWSOCK.dll - (00007FFB24710000 to 00007FFB24779000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 60: tier0_s64.dll - (00007FFAE0D50000 to 00007FFAE0EE7000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 61: bcrypt.dll - (00007FFB24B10000 to 00007FFB24B38000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 62: Secur32.dll - (00007FFB04D50000 to 00007FFB04D5C000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 63: SSPICLI.DLL - (00007FFB244F0000 to 00007FFB24532000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 64: CRYPTBASE.DLL - (00007FFB24990000 to 00007FFB2499C000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 65: bcryptPrimitives.dll - (00007FFB25630000 to 00007FFB256AA000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - 66: gameoverlayrenderer64.dll - (00007FFAE0BC0000 to 00007FFAE0D4A000)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - ----------------------------
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - Creating IWrapWbemLocator
Fri Jul 21 14:07:43 2023 UTC - CoCreateInstance hook created WbemLocator interface 000000000057CD40
Fri Jul 21 14:07:44 2023 UTC - IWrapWbemLocator 000000000057CD40 deleting
Fri Jul 21 14:07:44 2023 UTC - hookDirect3DCreate9 called
Fri Jul 21 14:07:44 2023 UTC - Game is using dxgi (dx10/dx11), preparing to hook.
Fri Jul 21 14:07:44 2023 UTC - Creating IWrapWbemLocator
Fri Jul 21 14:07:44 2023 UTC - CoCreateInstance hook created WbemLocator interface 0000000006A6CCF0
Fri Jul 21 14:07:45 2023 UTC - IWrapWbemLocator 0000000006A6CCF0 deleting
Fri Jul 21 14:07:45 2023 UTC - hookDirect3DCreate9 called
Fri Jul 21 14:07:45 2023 UTC - hookDirect3DCreate9 called
Fri Jul 21 14:07:45 2023 UTC - hookCreateDXGIFactory2 called
Fri Jul 21 14:07:45 2023 UTC - Hooking vtable for factory
Fri Jul 21 14:07:45 2023 UTC - hookCreateDXGIFactory2 called
Fri Jul 21 14:07:45 2023 UTC - Hooking vtable for factory
Fri Jul 21 14:07:45 2023 UTC - IWrapIDirect3D9::CreateDevice hook called (type: 1, behavior flags: 40!)
Fri Jul 21 14:07:45 2023 UTC - Creating D3D9 renderer
Fri Jul 21 14:07:45 2023 UTC - Unknown opcodes for AMD64 at 4 bytes for func 00007FFB091DDB70: 48 83 EC 48 44 8B D2 4C 8B D9 8D 82 10 FF FF FF
Fri Jul 21 14:07:45 2023 UTC - Creating IWrapWbemLocator
Fri Jul 21 14:07:45 2023 UTC - CoCreateInstance hook created WbemLocator interface 000000001F156180
Fri Jul 21 14:07:46 2023 UTC - IWrapWbemLocator 000000001F156180 deleting
Fri Jul 21 14:07:46 2023 UTC - hookDirect3DCreate9 called

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2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Engine] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cOptions.cpp : 970 = CPU: AuthcAMDenti Family 175 Model 0 Stepping 0 @3901Mhz
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Engine] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cOptions.cpp : 1039 = GPU RAM: 4293918720 bytes
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Engine] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\Libs\Heracles\Engine\Draw\DxCommon\cHcEffectDx.cpp : 135 = Creating effect PostProcessFXAA.fx
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Engine] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\Libs\Heracles\Engine\Draw\DxCommon\cHcEffectDx.cpp : 135 = Creating effect PostTrainVolumetricFog.fx
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Engine] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\Libs\Heracles\Engine\Draw\DxCommon\cHcEffectDx.cpp : 135 = Creating effect PostDepthOfField.fx
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Engine] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\Libs\Heracles\Engine\Draw\DxCommon\cHcEffectDx.cpp : 135 = Creating effect PostTrainLightGlow.fx
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Engine] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\Libs\Heracles\Engine\Draw\DxCommon\cHcEffectDx.cpp : 135 = Creating effect Train_Post_Bloom.fx
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Engine] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\Libs\Heracles\Engine\Draw\DxCommon\cHcEffectDx.cpp : 135 = Creating effect PostEra.fx
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Engine] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\Libs\Heracles\Engine\Draw\DxCommon\cHcEffectDx.cpp : 135 = Creating effect Post_CameraVignette.fx
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Engine] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\Libs\Heracles\Engine\Draw\DxCommon\cHcEffectDx.cpp : 135 = Creating effect PostCRT.fx
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Camera] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cTrackIRManager.cpp : 51 = NaturalPoint TrackIR: Init
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Camera] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cTrackIRManager.cpp : 355 = NaturalPoint TrackIR: DLL Location key not present
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Game Manager] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cGameManager.cpp : 965 = 0:1024x768
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Game Manager] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cGameManager.cpp : 965 = 1:false
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Game Manager] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cGameManager.cpp : 965 = 2:0
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Game Manager] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cGameManager.cpp : 965 = 3:false
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Game Manager] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cGameManager.cpp : 965 = 4:false
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Game Manager] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cGameManager.cpp : 965 = 5:false
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Game Manager] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cGameManager.cpp : 965 = 6:false
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Game Manager] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cGameManager.cpp : 965 = 7:false
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Game Manager] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cGameManager.cpp : 965 = 8:false
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Game Manager] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cGameManager.cpp : 965 = 9:en
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Game Manager] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cGameManager.cpp : 965 = 10:1x1
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Game Manager] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cGameManager.cpp : 965 = 11:true
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Game Manager] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cGameManager.cpp : 965 = 12:low
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Game Manager] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cGameManager.cpp : 965 = 13:0
2023-07-21 18:30:36.381 - [Game Manager] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\GameManager\cGameManager.cpp : 965 = 14:false


Is er iemand die dit snapt, hahha🫣

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