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Niels Mallant

Taxi Driver
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    Alle geluiden zijn top, behalve tractie geluiden vanaf -+15kmh. Dan gaat er een soort wasmachine aan. Zeker als het AI is die langsrijdt is het geen prettig geluid. Als dat kan worden improved is hij top! -Mvg Niels
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    Weer een fantastische uitbreiding en een personal bias; mijn dorp zit er nu in. Heel blij dat dit stukje Nederland nu de aandacht krijgt die het verdient.
    Mooi scenario, helaas alleen niet realistisch dat er IRM en SNG langs elkaar of uberhaupt tegelijkertijd rijdt
    Stop & Go en je krijgt er 5. Goed gewerkt Jesse!
  1. Ik geloof dat de VIRMm's pas reden na het uitfaseren van de apekoppen
  2. Version 0.9.0


    A fictional repaint of the BR 422 as included in Hauptstrecke Rhein Ruhr for TSW. It's loosely based on the NS Sprinter scheme, but with a bit more blue as it seems more fitting. Install by placing the .pak file in your TSW DLC folder. Uninstall by deleting said file. Because of the way TSW works, you can't choose liveries within the sim. So if you install it, all 422's in the DLC look like this until you delete the file again. You can make a subfolder within the DLC folder called anything like 'disabled' to place the pak when you dont want to use it and the game will not load it. Enjoy! Compatibility: Train Sim World® 2020
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This mod for the BR 185 as included in Main Spessart Bahn changes the two tone horn to a better one. A special thanks to ChrisTrains for providing me with his source soundfiles. I know this horn is nowhere near perfect, but because of the way TSW doesn't really invite modding and the way it uses sound files, it's very hard to get a good fade. Installing it is dead easy, just locate your Train Sim World folder in your local steam directory and navigate to the DLC folder like this: Train Sim World>WindowsNoEditor>TS2Prototype>Content>DLC and paste the .pak file there. To uninstall, simply remove the .pak file. The soundmod should work in other routes as long as you are driving the MSB version of the 185. Preview video
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