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Sjef61 last won the day on February 25

Sjef61 had the most liked content!


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About Sjef61

  • Birthday 12/01/1961


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  1. Geweldig Rob, dankjewel, mooi voor mijn route!
  2. Is ondertussen al een hele vloot geworden Nu nog een mooie rode bus met bestemming Rittenburg
  3. Ziet er weer prachtig uit Bert
  4. Sjef61

    Rittenburg Rangeer

    Een kijkje op Rittenburg Rangeer
  5. Kijk aan, Mooie plaatjes. Suc6 met bouwen!
  6. Bezig geweest met het toevoegen van nieuwe hekjes en muurtjes De update staat hier nu online. https://simtogether.com/files/file/1248-sjef-hekjes-en-muurtjes-loft-en-losse-onderdelen-versie/
      • 7
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      • Thanks
  7. Yes, TrainBump.fx with a normal must be working.
  8. What type of shader do you use for the white walls? in the sunlight you do not see the white stones
  9. Sjef61

    Create ambient sounds

    I just compiled the example from Dwarsligger and this is the result. No problem and speaker visible and i have sound problem solved what me concernd EDIT; No problem with this example!
  10. Sjef61

    Create ambient sounds

    Yes About the igs thing. That is correct behavior. Bit use the working example from Dwarsligger.
  11. Sjef61

    Create ambient sounds

    The IGS in your sound BP is not Needed as the sound BP is a child object voor another asset. That IGS you have to put it in a new scenery PB if you want it visible in TSC. And in the new scenery PB you have to add the sound BP as a child object.
  12. Sjef61

    Create ambient sounds

    @Dwarsligger Yes, in my example i did add an igs but that is for a stand alone sound ambiant marker. In your example you did not do that as it is a child object for a real asset in TSC that puzzled him I think…
  13. Sjef61

    Create ambient sounds

    Sorry.... I am lost.. Send me your Source in a DM please.
  14. Sjef61

    Create ambient sounds

    Ok, what is the situation now?
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