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Handcar Traveller
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About Spikee1975

  1. The Route Template "HerlockSholmes\Antwerpen - Gent\TemplateRoutes\Antwerpen - Gent.xml" is not included in the download. You can however make this yourself, open an existing template, insert the data from RouteProperties, and save it. Also, there are wrong assets paths in all files - "DTG\LGVMedSouth\LGVMedSouthAssets\" - this folder does not exist, and points to incorrectly unpacked assets (The .ap name is NOT a folder) that were then used. I have used SerzMaster and MassSearchAndReplaceTool, you must remove the "LGVMedSouthAssets\" string from all files, so they use the correct path "DTG\LGVMedSouth\Scenery" for example.
  2. I found this in BLXT scenario (BLXT) 10-P 8803 - and in many others from them. Sarc instead of Kuju. Could explain the crashes...
  3. I am experiencing OOM when just flying over the map. Error message points to a crash in module TERRAIN_MANAGER. I am now checking, removing everything from the folder except Networks and Terrain and check LogMate output. EDIT: It has to do with the BLXT scenario packs - something is not ok there. Removing scenarios has the route NOT crashing in editor mode! (I saw a timetable scenario marker with a missing texture, that led me to trsting the route without these scenarios.) Good job and thank you for this route!
  4. These scenarios are very old, and the file structure was different (as the UI was in RailSimulator, the player loco was not given in ScenarioProperties.xml). You can find them by NOT using the route/loco filter, but directly going to Standard and scrolling down the list.
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