94 records in this category
Steam Sale: Herfst 2021
Voor zowel TS2022, TSW2 en veel andere games zijn in sale tijdens de Herfst Steam Sale van 2021, deze sale loopt van 24 november (gisteren) tot 1 december. Grijp nu je kans om producten te kopen!
Meer informatie: https://store.steampowered.com/
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TSG: Rübelandbahn
A few days ago, TSG released their new route, the Rübelandbahn.
It can be bought in two versions, the standard edition (29.95€) or the JTG edition (37.95€), which comes with four extra scenarios.
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3DZUG: 30% Korting tot 28 Februari
3DZUG is celebrating their 8th birthday - 30% sale from 26 to 28 February!
Use the code "BIRTHDAY2022" (without quotation marks) for a 30% discount.
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Southwestern Expressways: Reading - Exeter Route Add-On
Hundreds of miles and detail galore, Just Trains’ Southwestern Expressways spans 4 counties and is ready to be explored now in Train Simulator!
-220 mile route set in 2010 including:
-39 custom and detailed stations
-Immersive scenery covering Berkshire, Wiltshire, Somerset and Devon
-Numerous points of interest throughout the route
-8 Standard and 4 Free Roam scenarios
-Quick Drive compatible
-Download size: 2.0GB
More information is here available
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New route from RSSLO: The Drautalbahn Route
This is an Austrian route from Klagenfurt to Spittal Millstättersee, which has a total length of about 80 km.
-3 loco's, 2 wagons and 1 Cargo wagon
-80 kilometers long
-10 different scenario's
More information is here available
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3DZUG: Arbel cokescars.
New French freight cars to transport coal and cokes from cokesplants to blast furnaces. These cars saw extensive use in Belgium and France and even made their way to Rotterdam (Maasvlakte) and various cokesplants in Germany like the one in Bottrop.
Multipe variants and skins available with the CarCreator-feature, both empty and loaded versions as well as lower quality cars for AI-traffic.
More information available here:
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SKTrains: HLE13
Recently SKTrains released their first locomotive, the HLE13, a welcome addition for Belgian routes. 3 versions are included, NMBS/SNCB, CFL and Lineas. This Locomotive is NOT compatible with the 32bit version of Train Simulator.
It had some advanced scripting and functions:
• Realistic driving.
• TBL1 +.
• Dead-man's vigilance device (VA).
• Imposed speed.
• MUX system (multiple units)
• Realistic headlights and lanterns system.
• Realistic sounds.
• Inscriptions and signage in conformity.
• Voltage sensing on compatible lines.
Note from the creator:
Due to the delay of the accomplishment of ETCS and KVB's script, we aren't able to offer you these two security systems. Of course, a free upgrade/patch including these features will be available later. For the website, it will be operational the evening of the release. Moreover, the HLE13 available for sale can only be bought by PAYPAL for now. The other means of payment will be available on the website in the coming days.. Thank for you comprehension!
More information and of course where to buy:
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Simexpress: CC6500
Simexpress has recently released a new locomotive, the CC6500. This French series of six-axle locomotives were build between 1969 and 1975 and used for fast passenger trains and heavy freight trains. They were build for use on the 1.5kV railway lines.
The locomotive comes in 3 series/variants with each 2 or 3 liveries. The locomotive comes with advanced driving features:
• Realistic driving
• Engine compartiment modeled and functionnal
• Pneumatic assembly fully modeled
• Switchable brakes regimes
• functionnal gearshift
• Functional failure system
• Functional “VACMA” system
• Realistic KVB
• Pre-announcement for traffic at 200 km/h functional
• Disengageable safety systems for more flexibility
• Stereo sounds recorded on the actual machine
• high resolution 3D and textures
• Variable speed for wipers
• Realistic headlight/rearlights management
• Markings and inscriptions in conformity
• Management of pantographs for trains AI trains
More information can be found here:
1 comment1.6k views -
Minicheat wint Screenshot van de Maand!
It's time to announce the Screenshot of the Month winner for September 21. The winning screen is the screen submitted by @MiniCheat
MiniCheat, congratulations!
New month, new chances! Join the screenshot of the month here:
2 comments759 views -
HIS: B&O Mountain Subdivision.
Today High Iron Simulations released a new route. They are known for their high quality routes, build with a lot of care.
This route includes over 150 miles of track, 13 scenarios and an enormous variety of rolling stock, multiple types of locomotives, all in multiple liveries and a lot of different freight cars. and cabooses.
More information and where to buy can be found here:
0 comments801 views -
De Vechtdallijnen Beta 3
Hier Is dan de 3e beta versie van de Vechtdallijen, er is weer een hoop veranderd na de vorige versie van ruim 5 jaar geleden.
Zo is de scenery tussen Hardenberg - Emmen helemaal klaar, is de scenery tussen Hardenberg - Almelo/Ommen verbeterd, is Station Zwolle Compleet gemoderniseerd (op het rangeerterrein na) en is de lijn van Almelo naar Marienberg gemoderniseerd met nieuwe rails en een hogere snelheid (120 ipv 80) En ook is er nog weinig over van station Geerdijk. Bij de routebestand Zijn een pdf handleiding en 2 RWP bestanden meegeleverd Route en Assets. Veel Plezier met de nieuwe versie!
-Hele route gemaakt op de situatie van 2021
-Traject Zwolle-Emmen en Almelo-Mariënberg meegeleverd
Je kan de route hier downloaden
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VirtualRailroads: BR111 Orientrot (Version 2020)
VirtualRailroads has released a competely reworked version of their BR111 in the "Orientrot" livery. Multiple versions have been included, varying between square and round buffer, one-legged and two-legged pantographs etc.
The new version has all the elaborate functions known from the other VR loco's:
Prototypical traction and braking behaviour Prototypical monitoring of important systems Traction Motor Blower, Current etc. Brake modes R/P/G available High braking rate in mode R Prototypical PZB with train type O/M/U PZB Advisory System SiFa Vigilance System Regulator with Z-Regulation Switchable instrument and cab lights Windscreen wipers slow / fast Prototypical sounds optimized Manual Light cone regulation vR ZZA / Destination signs vR EBuLa system vR Message system Desk light and cab light TS Camera positions and weather effects
More information and where to buy:
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VirtualRailroads: BR111 InterRegio (Version 2020)
VirtualRailroads has released a new package containing the InterRegio. The updated version of the BR111 in "Orientrot" livery is included as well at the carriages Aimz, Bimz, Bimdz and ARkimbz.
The Loco has elaborate functions like:
The following functions are integrated in the BR111: Prototypical traction and braking behaviour Prototypical monitoring of important systems Traction Motor Blower, Current etc. Brake modes R/P/G available High braking rate in mode R Prototypical PZB with train type O/M/U Indusi Advisory System SiFa Vigilance System Regulator with Z-Regulation Switchable instrument and cab lights Windscreen wipers slow / fast Prototypical sounds optimized Manual Light cone regulation vR Message system Desk light and cab light TS Camera positions and weather effects
More information and where to buy:
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SKTrains: SNCB/NMBS I10 carriages.
SKTrains has released their second package of rolling stock, being the Belgian I10 carriages. For 8 euros you get 89 (!) different versions and liveries.
More images, information and of course where to buy:
2 comments908 views -
Chloe wins Screenshot of the Month October 21
It's time to announce the Screenshot of the Month winner for October 21. The winning screen is the screen submitted by @Chloe. Chloe, congratulations!
New month, new chances! Join the screenshot of the month here:
0 comments587 views -
Train Simulator 2022 is uit!
Vandaag heeft Dovetail Train Simulator 2022 beschikbaar gesteld. Voor een ieder die Train Simulator 2021 had, is de update naar 2022 gratis. Geen grote updates met de release. De update wordt automatisch gedownload en geïnstalleerd.
Train Simulator 2022 is now available. For existing customers this update is free. This new version doesn't include big changes or improvements and will be automatically downloaded.
Bron/Source: https://live.dovetailgames.com/live/train-simulator/articles/article/ts2022-out-now
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De Vechtdallijnen Beta 3.5 Beta is uit
Koen heeft een update uitgebracht van de Vechtdallijen en wel versie 3,5
Er is weer een hoop veranderd na de vorige versie 3.0 Beta
Zo is de scenery:
tussen Hardenberg - Emmen helemaal klaar
scenery tussen Hardenber en Almelo/Ommen verbeterd,
is Station Zwolle Compleet gemoderniseerd (op het rangeerterrein na) en is de lijn van Almelo naar Marienberg gemoderniseerd met nieuwe rails en een hogere snelheid (120 ipv 80)
En ook is er nog weinig over van station Geerdijk.
Here is the release of the Vechtdallijnen Beta 3.5 version,
The most important changes in this version are:
Completed scenery between Hardenberg and Emmen
new scenery build between Hardenberg and Almelo/Ommen
New Tracks and speed Limiet (80 - 120 Km/h) Between Almelo and Marienberg
Downloaden kan hier/Download here
0 comments744 views -
Bahnstrecke Strasbourg - Karlsruhe
Bienvenue in Frankrijk en Willkommen in Duitsland! Kruis de Frans/Duitse grens met een hogesnelheidstrein of met een zware goederentrein op de route Bahnstrecke Strasbourg-Karlsruhe in Train Simulator
Bienvenue en France and willkommen in Deutschland! Cross the French/German border aboard high-speed traction and heavy freight motive power with Bahnstrecke Strasbourg - Karlsruhe in Train Simulator.
-10 nieuwe scenario's (7 career en 3 standaard) // 10 new Scenario's (7 career and 3 standard)
-112 (70 mijl) traject van Strasbourg (Frankrijk) naar Offenburg en Karlsruhe (Duitsland), bevat de beide lijnen via Ettlingen en Durmersheim // 112 km (70-mile) route from Strasbourg, France, to Offenburg and Karlsruhe, Germany, including both lines via Ettlingen and Durmersheim
-Bevat een Quick-Drive // Has an Quick-drive
Rolling Stock/Rijdend materieel
-SNCF BR 186 in FRET livery
-TGV Euroduplex in SNCF Blue & Grey livery
-DB BR 406 ICE 3M in DB ICE livery
-DB BR 101 in DB Traffic Red livery
-DB BR 146.2 in DB Traffic Red livery
-Doppelstock and Intercity coaches in DB Traffic Red & DB IC liveries
-Zacns Tanker and SGGRSS container wagons
-DB ICE 2 EMU Add-On
More information can be found here // meer informatie kan je hier vinden
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CoHa.nl - Nederlandse Overwegen v3.6
Afgelopen zondag 17 Oktober is versie 3,6 uigekomen van het NL overwegen pakket, zie hieronder de veranderingen.
Nieuw toegevoegd aan het Nederlandse overwegen pakket zijn:
versie 3.6:
- Extra Overweg beveiligingscamera's
- Nieuwe AhobC (nr 017)
- Nieuwe, verbeterde uitlijntool voor de overwegen en aanvullende objecten (lees info in de handleiding par 4.1 + 4.2)
versie 3.5:
- Verbeterde WIDO : schijnt nu iets minder fel naar de grond toe
- Hekwerken Arfman (groen)
- Twee hekwerken met enkele plaat (4 resp 5 vakken)
- Betonblok met rood-witte platen aan één zijde
- Overweg beveiligingscamera's
versie 3.4:
- Speciaal op maat gemaakte overweg voor de Zuiden van Nederland route
versie 3.3:
- Losse overwegplaten
- Speciaal op maat gemaakte overwegen voor de Achterhoek- en Twentelijnen route
versie 3.2:
- Gecorrigeerde schrikhekken plus enkele nieuwe uitvoeringen
- Speciale AKI Zevenbergschenhoek
- Extra ontruimingslichten
- Nieuwe HAKI overweg
- Voorijlers onbewaakte overweg welke aan het spoor gelinkt kunnen worden.
- Andreaskruisen op ijzeren (niet-geschilderde) palen
- Toestemmingsseinen
- Hekwerken
- Speciale op maat gemaakte overwegen voor de Noord-Oost Nederland route en 't Hart van Nederland route
en nog diverse extra objecten
Download: https://coha.nl/viewtopic.php?f=21&p=3729#p3729
0 comments1.7k views -
Update Midland Main Line Sheffield-Derby
JustTrains heeft een kleine update uitgebracht voor de Midland Main Line Sheffield-Derby route.
De update is gratis voor bestaande klanten en kan worden gedownload in je account.
JustTrains has been released a minor update for the Midland Main Line Sheffield-Derby Route.
The update is free for existing customers and can be downloaded in your account.
- Adds compatibility for MML - Nottingham - Lincoln
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Steam Sale: Halloween 2021
Voor zowel TS2022, TSW2 en veel andere games zijn in sale tijdens de Halloween Steam Sale van 2021, deze sale loopt van 28 oktober (vandaag) tot 1 november. Grijp nu je kans om producten te kopen!
Meer informatie: https://store.steampowered.com/sale/halloween
0 comments886 views -
Stem op je favoriete screenshot
Ik ben deze maand een beetje laat met de aankondiging, maar je kunt alweer een aantal dagen stemmen op je favoriete screenshot van de maand. Maar liefst 12 screenshots nemen het deze maand tegen elkaar op. Allemaal voor die felbegeerde titel! Om het nog spannender te maken... we gaan bijna de Screenshot van het Jaar openen!
Breng je stem hier uit: https://simtogether.com/gallery/
Slightly later than usual, I'm happy to announce that it's time to cast your vote for your favourite Screenshot of the Month. 12 screenshots will compete to each other for that much wanted title. To make it even more exciting... only one month for the start of the Screenshot of the Year competition!
Case your vote here: https://simtogether.com/gallery/
0 comments552 views -
Chloe wins Screenshot of the Month
It's not the first time in the SimTogether history that @Chloe wins the Screenshot of the Month. This amazing screen wins the Screenshot of the Month competition for November 21! Congratulations, Chloe!
New month, new chances! Join the screenshot of the month here. And don't forget: it's the last month before we launch the Screenshot of the Year Competition. All winning screenshot in the last 11 months will be automatically competing for that coveted title!
? https://www.simtogether.com/competition
0 comments571 views -
Stem op je favoriete screenshot!
Over een aantal dagen weten we welke screenshots mee gaan dingen met de Screenshot van het Jaar. Maar voor het zover is, hebben we nog één stemronde. Stem op je favoriete screenshot!
In a couple op days we know which screenshot will be competing for the Screenshot of the Year. Before we can start this competition, it's time to cast your vote for the last round of the year. What's your favourite screenshot?
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VirtualRailroads: Tamns VTG
Today Virtual Railroads has released yet another pack of freight cars:
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