Scenario’s (3.0)
1 file
Nostalgie op het Olielijntje: Rit Emmen- Zwolle
By Alola
Today, lots of museumrailways organise rides with nostalgic trains on the piece between Zwolle and Emmen. You drive the service from Emmen to Zwolle with the Hondekop EMU 766 from the Hondekop Foundation (Stichting Hondekop). You can install this scenario by following these steps: 1. Open the .zip file. 2. Click on the folder which you will find and righ-click and select copy or use shortcut control+c. 3. Open the Railworks Content Route folder. Search the folder 90f9a53e-2b1c-4f7a-91c5-2e15d862019c using the windows file explorer search function. 4. Open the scenarios folder. 5. Right click and select paste or use shortcut control+v