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1 file

  1. Soundupdate X31K GBE

    Replacement Sound X31K GBE Version 2.0
    This is a soundupdate for the X31K from GBE.
    The distribution and publication of the Replacement Sound X31K GBE Version 2.0 is not permitted without my permission!
    The installation:
    Install the Rwp with the package manager of the TS (Utilities.exe).
    What's new:
    - new improved engine sound
    - new horn (version 2.0 has been replaced by an original horn X31K)
    - new driving and rolling sound
    - new sound when opening the doors (version 2.0 original door sounds of the X31K were used)
    - new sound when closing the doors (version 2.0 original door sounds of the X31K were used)
    You can get the ET X31K here: https://shop.strato.de/epages/64554512.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/64554512/Products/RM00100
    Have fun with the new sound!


       (1 review)



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