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[2022 - NS Int, DB Fern, SBB] NJ 403 / IC 60403 Amsterdam Centraal - Zürich HB Deel 8 1.0.0

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Since December 2021, a 2nd Nightjet has been operating from the Netherlands towards the East. Nightjet 403 from Amsterdam Central to Zurich HB is the new connection

Despite the fact that the OBB is the operator of the Nightjet network, NS International, together with DB Fernverkehr and the SBB, is responsible for the train.

Nightjet 403 consists of only 5 carriages, 3 Couchettes lying carriages and 2 WLABm Sleeping carriages. Nightjet 403 will travel in combination with the Night IC 60403. In addition to the 5 Nightjet cars, 1 first class and 3 2nd class IC cars from the SBB and 4 second class IC cars from the DB are driving along.


The scenario consists of 10 parts on different routes. In this 8th part we drive on the Frankfurt - Karlsruhe route.


Today you drive the Nightjet 403 all the way from Amsterdam Central to Frankfurt am Main Hbf where the train makes a head and DB Fenverkehr will take over the train to Basel SBB.

In this 8th part, the scenario continues from Frankfurt am Main towards Karlsruhe. You start your night shift with the NJ 403/IC 60403 from Amsterdam to Zurich HB. With the BR 101 assigned to you, you take the train from NS-International and take the train all the way to Basel SBB. In this 8th part we drive to Karlsruhe Hbf and also stop in Mannheim Hbf on the way.

This is a realistic scenario. The player train and all AI Passenger trains will run according to the real 2022 timetable, which will take effect as of December 2021. Freight train timetables are fictitious.

- DB BR 101 https://virtual-railroads.de/de/zug-pakete-el/58-db-br101-intercity-expertline.html

- DB BR 114 Loco Add-On https://store.steampowered.com/app/448180/Train_Simulator_DB_BR_114_Loco_AddOn/

- DB BR 152 EL https://virtual-railroads.de/de/zug-pakete-el/74-db-br152-expertline.html

- DB BR 185 https://store.steampowered.com/app/277758/Train_Simulator_MRCE_BR_1855_Loco_AddOn/

- DB BR 193 DC Vectron https://www.rsslo.com/product/vectron-db-br-193-dc/

- DB BR 232 Loco Add-On Ludmilla  https://store.steampowered.com/app/222587/Train_Simulator_DB_BR232_Loco_AddOn/

- DB BR 361 Loco Add-On https://store.steampowered.com/app/325994/Train_Simulator_DB_BR_361_Loco_AddOn/

- DB BR 403 ICE-3 https://store.steampowered.com/app/208283/Train_Simulator_DB_ICE_3_EMU_AddOn/

- DB BR 407 New ICE-3 https://store.steampowered.com/app/208283/Train_Simulator_DB_ICE_3_EMU_AddOn/

- DB BR 440 Coradia https://store.steampowered.com/app/376956/Train_Simulator_DB_BR_440_Coradia_Continental_Loco_AddOn/

- DB BR 423 https://store.steampowered.com/app/222580/Train_Simulator_DB_BR423_EMU_AddOn/

- DB BR 442 'Talent 2' EMU Add-On https://store.steampowered.com/app/258656/Train_Simulator_DB_BR_442_Talent_2_EMU_AddOn/

- DB BR 445 / 446 Twindexx Vario https://www.railtraction.eu/db-regio-twindexx.html

- DB BR 642 Desiro https://www.rsslo.com/product/desiro-obb-5022-br-642-2/

- DB BR 648 https://www.railtraction.eu/train-simulator/multiple-units/diesel-multiple-units/br-648.html

- NS traxx 186 + icrmh wagons https://www.christrains.com/nl/ts_product_traxx186.html

- BR 266 Loco Add-On https://store.steampowered.com/app/258671/Train_Simulator_BR_266_Loco_AddOn/

- Carri Rils pack http://www.amicitreni.org/download/comment.php?dlid=456&ENGINEsessID=4d1c7eaf2ec7084345eca46482b579d2

-NS sgns https://www.christrains.com/nl/ts_product_nssgns.html



- Köln - Dusseldorf Route Add-On https://store.steampowered.com/app/65246/Train_Simulator_CologneDusseldorf_Route_AddOn/

- Köln - Koblenz Route Add-On https://store.steampowered.com/app/277739/Train_Simulator_West_Rhine_Kln__Koblenz_Route_AddOn/

- Mannheim - Karlsruhe Route Add-On https://store.steampowered.com/app/277768/Train_Simulator_The_Rhine_Railway_Mannheim__Karlsruhe_Route_AddOn/

- Frankfurt High Speed: Frankfurt – Karlsruhe Route Extension Add-On https://store.steampowered.com/app/834407/Train_Simulator_Frankfurt_High_Speed_Frankfurt__Karlsruhe_Route_Extension_AddOn/

-  3D-Zug Verkehrspack Güterwagen https://www.3dzug.de/product_info.php?info=p276_verkehrspack-gueterwagen.html

- 3D Zug Nightjet Pack https://www.3dzug.de/product_info.php?info=p433_oebb-nightjet.html

- TTB Szenario Pack 2 https://www.trainteamberlin-shop.de/rw-szenariopacks/12/szenariopack-vol.-2?c=7

- Rivet GamesGotthardbahn Alpine Classic: Erstfeld – Bellinzona Route Add-On  https://store.steampowered.com/app/1012102/Train_Simulator_Gotthardbahn_Alpine_Classic_Erstfeld__Bellinzona_Route_AddOn/

- AP Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/enhancements/general/sky_weather_enhancement_pack


- DB BR 185 repaint RS Italia http://www.amicitreni.org/download/comment.php?dlid=506&ENGINEsessID=ae72c0cf9bc6d55124f62a01fcf72825

- NS BR 193 Repaint  ELL/NS 193 759 + 193 766 https://rail-sim.de/forum/filebase/entry/7551-ell-ns-193-759-193-766/

- NS BR 193 Repaint [EL] NS BR193 Repaint

- HLB BR 648 repaint https://rail-sim.de/forum/filebase/entry/1209-br-648-hlb/

-  Sffggmrrss 45ft. Container Pack Vol.1 https://www.treinpunt.nl/forum/downloads/?sa=details;lid=6558



Sinds december 2021 rijdt er vanuit Nederland een 2e Nightjet richting het Oosten. Nightjet 403 van Amsterdam Centraal naar Zürich HB is de nieuwe verbinding

Ondanks dat de OBB de uitbater is van de Nightjet netwerk, neemt NS International samen met DB Fernverkehr en de SBB de trein voor haar rekening. 

Nightjet 403 bestaat maar uit 5 rijtuigen, 3 Couchettes ligrijtuigen en 2 WLABm Slaapwagens. Nightjet 403 zal gecombineerd meerijden met de Nacht IC 60403. Naast de 5 Nightjet wagens rijden er 1 eersteklas en 3 2e klas IC rijtuigen van de SBB mee en 4 tweedeklas IC wagens van de DB. 


Het scenario bestaat uit 10 delen op verschillende routes. In dit 8e deel rijden we op Frankfurt - Karlsruhe route.


Vandaag rijdt U de Nightjet 403 helemaal van Amsterdam Centraal naar Frankfurt am Main Hbf waar de trein kop maakt en DB Fenverkehr de trein over zal namen naar Basel SBB.

In dit 8e deel gaat het scenario verder vanuit Frankfurt am Main richting Karlsruhe. Je begint je nachtdienst met de NJ 403 / IC 60403 uit Amsterdam naar Zürich HB. Je neemt met de aan jouw toegewezen BR 101 de trein over van NS-International en brengt de trein helemaal tot Basel SBB. In dit 8e deel rijden we naar Karlsruhe Hbf en stoppen onderweg ook in Mannheim Hbf.


Dit is een realistisch scenario. De spelerstrein en alle AI Reizigerstreinen rijden volgens de echte dienstregeling van 2022 die per december 2021 is ingegaan. De dienstregeling van de goederentreinen zijn fictief.


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