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  1. Thanks a lot for all your help!!
  2. Hi Sjef, here are some images arriving at Sloterdijk, I really don't know if something is missing or that's the way it is. This happens almost in all elevated tracks. It looks like if the tracks and the poles are floating. I checked the Spoordijken and I already have those installed. Again, thanks for all your help. Regards Andres
  3. I've downloaded the signals and they are working perfect! Now I'm encountering another issue, some of the elevated tracks are floating, it looks like something is missing, but I've download and buy all required assets. Any help will be appreciated. Best Regards
  4. Solved, thanks!
  5. hi, I’ve been checking the spam regularly and nothing there. I guess the only option is just keep waiting andres
  6. Hi all, I'm new to this community my name is Andres and I live in Panama. I'm trying to install and use the NL routes which I like a lot. I've encountered that I need to download several assets from Coha.nl website, where I need to register in order to access the downloads section. I've already register but have not received the account confirmation email by the admins of Coha.nl, I've already send an email to them asking about this but still no answer, do you know what's the normal timeframe to receive this account access? Or is there any other place where I can download the assets that I'm missing? Best regards and that you all for your help Andres
  7. Still waiting on the registration confirmation to access Coha.nl ?
  8. Thanks, I'll do that and report results. best regards
  9. I've installed all the items in the list of requirements, but I don't see any traffic lights in the tracks. Any help will be appreciated. Best regards
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