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A version as a tender locomotive ("Tender jumbo's") with the axis classification 2'C2 'appeared in 1929 as the NS 6101 - 6110 series. These ten machines (each five from Hohenzollern and Werkspoor) corresponded to the latest delivery of 3700s (numbered) 3816 - 3820) from 1928. Earlier, a lighter tender version was built by Beyer, Peycock and Co. with only two inner cylinders and a slightly smaller boiler, the NS 6000 series.

1 file

  1. NS serie 6100

    The NS serie 6100 by Wilbur Graphics consists of the following locomotives:
    WG NS 6108  
    1 versions Manual in Dutch  
    Install the included .rwp file with Utilities.exe "Steam\SteamApps\common\ RailWorks" start the game and "Clear Cache" Restart the game and have fun


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