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This category contains general tools available for download for Train Simulator.

8 files

  1. ThirdRails

    ThirdRails Maptool, the free live map tool for Dovetail Games - Train Simulator 20xx:
    Live map with several maptypes OSM (incl. heritage railways), Bing, OpenRailWayMap and Transport Maps. Support for Multiplayer Scenario's (More info: The Concept of Multiplayer Scenario's) Scenario building support with military precision using POI’s. Broadcasting to ThirdRails Radar, view your live map on any device. GPS-R device for communication, connect with other drivers. EBuLa device, electronic timetable with radar announcements. Service guard for spoken announcements based on Timetable. ThirdRails Real Drive extend TS QuickDrive and Free Roam scenario's with Real Drives powered by Realtime Trains (UK only). ThirdRails Timetabled Rides extend TS QuickDrive and Free Roam scenario's using timtabled driven rides
    And if you broadcast your live map to ThirdRails Radar and Community Radar:
    Out of the cab live map experience, your live map on any device using a webbrowser. Community Radar showing all players broadcasting their livemap. Multiplayer, with MP events, VTOC’s posibilities. Whistle Board Social Network to get inspired and inspire!  
    For the best experience, it is recommended to run Train Simulator in Borderless mode. (Full Screen - Borderless)
    Version History:
    Check out the full version history
    Download the correct version for your Train Simulator (32-bit or 64-bit), install the program and follow the instructions.
    32 Bits version available here


       (1 review)



  2. Start schermen in TS simpel veranderen V.2.3 /

    Easily start screens changing  in TS
    Customize youre screens yourself (See PDF how to) Setup tool   Simtogether, Christrains or original ST screens  installation  

    Nu ook voor onze zuiderburen een eigen startscherm


       (0 reviews)



  3. TS-Tools

    TS-Tools is a new suite of utilities for Dovetail Games - Train Simulator 20xx. This suite enabled (advanced) users to carry out many improvements/changes to the default simulator.
    Check routes and scenario's for missing stock or assets. Edit scenario's to replace rolling stock which you don't have for what you do. Re-skin the textures of rolling stock to create new liveries. Edit .bin, .xml and other files for Train Simulator. View and export texture files (.TgPcDx). And much more...  
    New installation:
    Download "FULL VERSION TS-Setup.zip"  (TS-Tools v1.0.82 dated 24 June 2022) Unzip the zipped file Run TS-Setup.exe to install the program Follow the instructions in the installer  
    Note:         Do not install TS-Tools in either c:\Program Files or c:\Program Files (x86)
    Installation instructions


       (0 reviews)



  4. Raildriver and Joystick interface

    Raildriver and Joystick Interface V3.2.9 released

    1. Added script fixes for both the Clinchfield and Wasatch EMD F7’s (Thanks to Graham)
    2. Removed the option to split the levers when assigning levers as this only applies when assigning the lever as buttons.
    3. Improved detection of the Rx, Ry, Rz and sliders axis on joysticks when assigning them.
    4. Fixed small bug in allocating Rx, Ry and Rz axis

    As usual, all existing users simply extract the files in the download to you current folder overwriting all existing files.
    As a result of various requests over time I have made the following updates to the program.

    1. As well as the standard option of keyboard commands being sent while a button is pressed, you now have the added option of sending a command for a specific length of time when the button is pressed and sending another command for a specific length of time when the button is released. This will also allow you to use on/off switches, rotary switches and rotary encoders. See the "Advanced Button Mapping" documentation.

    2. You can now output the majority of the data that is displayed in the overlay in Advanced mode, to any serial port attached to your PC. This can be done in either Standard or Advanced mode. This will allow you to illuminate LED's, display text on LCD's or control servo's or motors using an Arduino, Microchip Pic Micro, Picaxe or Raspberry Pi. Anything that has a serial port on it. I have included a demo script for an Arduino which displays the speed, gear position, reverser position and whether the doors are open or closed. It also demonstrates lighting an LED when the Sunflower is activated. See the "Output Data To Serialports" documents.

    3. I have also added a menu option under KeyMapsButton Map called "Default Keyboard Delay". This allows you to set a global delay in milliseconds which when set, will insert a delay between keyboard commands being sent. As an example, if you have Shift T set as a command then the Shift key down command will be sent, then there will be a delay and then the T key down will be sent. When you release the button the T up command will be sent, followed by a delay and finally the Shift key up command.

    As usual, all existing users simply extract the files in the download to you current folder overwriting all existing files.


       (0 reviews)



  5. Verwijderen PAK files in Assets mappen

    Batch file to remove .PAK files in TS2020 assets folder

    Place this in

    Do not use outside the Assets Folder.


       (0 reviews)



  6. Train Simulator Tool LuaCreator

    Train Simulator tool LuaCreator
    LuaCreator, a toolkit for scenario authors
    LuaCreator is a toolkit for scenario authors, though casual players may benefit as well.
    LuaCreator has several unique features:
    List all routes and scenarios, even when packed in .ap files. View scenario properties View rolling stock and missing stock for any scenario, including stock that is packaged in .ap files. Create Lua generated messages, without programming Create several Lua scripts from script templates, making scripting much easier List all possible SysCall command names for the player engine (no need to run TS2020) Debug Lua scripts without running TrainSimulator Replace rolling stock items with a few mouse clicks Create an installer for your scenario Generate documentation for your scenari   LuaCreator is free, but not freeware.
    I ask you to help me to create a rail vehicle catalog and more script templates. If you want to download LuaCreator, you promise to:
    Provide a LUA script template or Create catalog input for at least one DLC pack.  


       (0 reviews)



  7. RW_Tools

    Attention: This is the full version of the program v8.1.16 and this will be the final version. The new program (now called "TS-Tools") can be found here.
    RW_Tools is a suite of utilities for Dovetail Games - Train Simulator 20xx. This suite enabled advances users to carry out many improvements/changes to the default simulator.
    Check routes and scenario's for missing stock or assets. Edit scenario's to replace rolling stock which you don't have for what you do. Re-skin the textures of rolling stock to create new liveries. Edit .bin, .xml and other files for Train Simulator. View and export texture files (.TgPcDx). And much more...  
    Version History:
    The version history is Included readme.txt in the update file (st-ts-00004_RW_Tools8116.zip).
    Check below for instructions for first time installation or update.
    First time installation:
    Download st-ts-00003_RW_Tools_Full_8.0.20.zip and execute Install_RW_Tools.exe from it and follow the instructions.
    After the installation be sure that RW_Tools is not running and follow the steps for updating.
    Updating to 8.1.16:
    Download st-ts-00004_RW_Tools8116.zip and extract the contents into your RW_Tools installation (where RW_Tools.exe resides) and overwrite all files.


       (0 reviews)



  8. TS-Telemetry (x64) NEW V2.0.3 (build 1)

    TS-Telemetry is an application that makes it possible to show locomotive gauges outside Train Simulator or send the values to a Dash Board application like SimHub. In order to do so TS-Telemetry uses the RailDriver64.DLL provided with Train Simulator. TS-Telemetry also has his own gauges meaning it can be used without a Dash Board application, i.e. stand alone.
    TS-Telemetry is free for personal use, commercial use is not allowed without written permission from the author.
    TS-Telemetry is supplied as is and no rights can be derived by the use of this software.
    At the moment TS-Telemetry is only available in a 64-bit version.


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