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Salty Pickle

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Salty Pickle last won the day on December 15 2020

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About Salty Pickle

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    Great realistic route with lots and lots of details! Those who know the real route will find themselves recognize many places. Lots of areas to discover; from passenger terminals and rural stations to huge freight terminals. It's all there and there is something for everyone.
  1. Version 1.0.0


    You are set to arrive at Breda enroute from Brussels-Midi to Amsterdam with a slight delay. After arriving in Breda, you need to switch cabs to depart in the opposite direction towards Amsterdam. Don't worry, you have plenty of time to make an on-time departure. The weather is nice and operations are smooth. Or are they?... The scenario consists of 2 parts: Part 1 covers Breda to Rotterdam (Route: "Zuiden van Nederland"). Part 2 covers Rotterdam to Amsterdam (Route: "HSL Zuid"). (Will be released with version1.1)
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Drive ICD 920 from Amsterdam until Rotterdam where your colleague will take over.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    The scenario is an interpretation of the 2003 operations. You will drive an intercity service to Nijmegen, operated by engine 1739 pulling 7 cars ICR passenger cars. Service is good and no disruptions are expected.
  4. De melding op het matrixbord werkt dus prima ?
  5. Valt me nu pas op; is dat grote ongeluk op de andere baan verwijderd? ?
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Part 2 – Succeeding scenario to [SP] IC 3667 - Zwolle to ‘s Hertogenbosch After returning to Nijmegen, you had some time to grab a quick coffee at the station and head back to your train. The preceding service on your line has just arrived at Nijmegen where it terminates due to the disruption. It’s your task to drive the train back to Zwolle as IC service 3666. Your train will be longer than usual, since you need to take the trainset of the preceding service with you.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    You wil drive this ICMm from Zwolle as far as 's Hertogenbosch as IC 3667, where you will be relieved by a collegue.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    You will drive SGMm operated SPR 7655 from Wijchen to Zutphen. The SGMm had very different operating characteristics and will provide a completely different experience compared to the original scenario. As if that wasn't challenging enough, the weather will throw in an extra courtesy hurdle for you. Put on your raincoat and enjoy!
  9. Version 1.0.0


    You will drive SPR 7655 from Wijchen all the way to Zutphen operated by a NS FLIRT-3 trainset. Enroute you will encounter both cargo trains and realistic scheduled passenger trains. Quickstart SP SPR 7655 Wijchen to Zutphen.pdf
  10. Version 1.0.0


    You will drive the local service between Apeldoorn and Zutphen operated with a DM90 trainset. The scenario is loosely based on the 2003 timetable to make it more enjoyable and shorten waiting times considerably. You will only stop at Klarenbeek enroute because the other 2 stations did not exist yet at that time.
  11. Version 1.0.1


    A snowstorm is passing over western Europe as you are driving ICE 124 from Frankfurt am Main towards Amsterdam. After being delayed in Germany, you need to wait before you can enter Arnhem Centraal, your first stop in the Netherlands. As the snow is already causing trouble, you will not be able to continue your normal route to Utrecht CS as there is a signaling failure south of the station. Therefore, you will be rerouted via Deventer and you will start a race against the clock as the snow starts falling down more and more…
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Drive THA 9364 from Watergraafsmeer Yard to Amsterdam CS and pick up the first passengers. You will then drive to Rotterdam CS, stopping at Schiphol Airport along the way. Equipment: Thalys PBA Estimated time to complete: 55 minutes Route: HSL Zuid AI: 39 AI-trains following the real world timetable.
  13. Version 1.0.1


    Experience the rush hour in the Amsterdam area on this foggy September morning as you will be driving a Sprinter service. Starting at Amterdam Science Park, you will make your way via Amsterdam Centraal to Hoofddorp. After all passengers disembarked, you will take the empty stock to "Hoofddorp Opstel" yard to switch cabs and drive back to Amsterdam Centraal, where a colleague will take over. Equipment: NS SNG Estimated time to complete: 70 minutes Route: HSL Zuid AI: Over 49 AI-trains following the real world timetable. // I M P O R T A N T // Version 1.0.1 Some users reported a bug concerning an entry signal when approaching Amsterdam Centraal showing a 'Stop' state, and unable to proceed from Amsterdam CS onward. This should be fixed. If you have a previous version installed (downloaded before 22-09-21 20:45 utc +2) the scenario must be removed prior to installing the new version or the fix will not work. If you still encounter any problems, please let me know and I will look into it. You can find me at the SimTogether Discord server.
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