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Hyperloop Passenger
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Everything posted by Dwarsligger

  1. Now place it in the route editor. Save. When you play the game, the object is gone, isn't it? You can only see it in the Route Editor, right? And THAT's why you don't enter a scenery object into the sound blueprint!!! If when using my way, the object didn't appear, you are still trying to place the sound blueprint directly instead of the scenery blueprint. Also, your question about Instance Groups? The answer is in your own screenshot, if you just READ. There's a category called "Instance Groups", maybe you should click that open... But who am I kidding? I'm pretty sure you're not going to read this.
  2. Sjef, he's asking how to alias to that marker that goes into the geometry field inside the sound blueprint when you make sounds without visual geometry. Meaning he's entering a .igs file into the sound blueprint...
  3. If you don't want to give up then just keep reading until you understand. Nothing more I can do for you until you understand the concepts "child blueprint" and "don't add geometry to the sound blueprint if you want it to appear in-game."
  4. One last time. If you still have questions, don't ask them, but read again. If it doesn't work, you should give up and accept that sound is too difficult for you. Can't show it to you any simpler. STEP 1: SCENERY BLUEPRINT WITH CHILD OBJECT. STEP 2: SOUND BLUEPRINT WITHOUT (!!!!!!!!!!!) IGS FILE Did you put an .igs file in here? If so, remove it. STEP 3: SOUND BLUEPRINT a.k.a. AMBIENT AUDIO CONTROL STEP 4: ENTER CORRECT VALUES IN THE RANDOM ONE-SHOT (last arrow on previous image) I think the arrow might be a bit small, but I hope you see them. Do it exactly like this. If you understand it now, read my first explanation again until you understand it completely. If you still don't understand, give up. Like I said before, I don't want to be a jerk, but you don't understand even the simplest of things. It's very tiring for me to explain things like this. I have nothing personal against you, and I don't want to make you feel stupid, but just READ, for f*#k's sake. Good luck, and remember, if you have questions, don't ask them, but read again! Look at the pictures and try to see what the arrows are pointing to and why that's important. Good luck, and I truly wish you well.
  5. XML calls IGS and another XML. That other XML calls the audio. Audio is last in the chain and NOT first. Please read. Carefully examine my files. I can't explain anymore right now. I've been awake for 2 days. I'm going down. Good evening and bye. Maybe I'll show it on video tomorrow.
  6. Geometry is the shape that you see in the game. The .igs file What I mean, is what you do, is you add the .igs to the sound blueprint. That is wrong. You add the .igs to the .xml and inside the .xml the sound blueprint is referenced. Just compare with my files and see what is different. Check the screenshots of the 3 steps and pay close attention. I'm tired now. I have to sleep for a bit.
  7. Keep reading and compare my files to yours. I think you're doing Step 1 wrong. I think you forget to add the child to the blueprint. In TSC, a blueprint (.xml file) can point to another blueprint. First you make the scenery object, then you point that to the sound blueprint. In STEP 1, take a good look at the Children part, encircled in red. Do you have that in your scenery blueprint, too? The object contains the sound, and not the other way around.
  8. Dat turqoise overtrekken wat ik gedaan heb? Photoshop: path maken met de Pen Tool, control + klik, rechtermuisknop -> Stroke Path. Dikte lijn is afhankelijk van brush size. Uitleg Pen Tool Geef mij de texture anders maar, dan maak ik wel ff snel de normal map om je op weg te helpen. Ook hier: Pen Tool Geloof me, je spul gaat hier zo veel beter van worden. Ik gebruik het ook niet overal op, maar bij materieel en grote objecten is het veel mooier.
  9. If you enter geometry there, it will only appear in the editor. That is for sounds without visible geometry. Have you actually studied my files? READ CLOSELY. WATCH THE RED ARROWS AND CIRCLES. PAY ATTENTION STEP 1: STEP 2: STEP 3: I don't try to be a jerk, but it's almost like you don't WANT to understand. .igs in sound blueprint is bad. Kaka. Big no-no. Don't do it. Sound blueprint inside scenery .xml file good. Do it. Epic win!
  10. You don't seem to understand this. Keep reading my explanation until you understand. If you have questions, don't ask them, just read again.
  11. You are putting geometry in the sound blueprint again. That is wrong. Read my explanation over and over until you understand. This is bad. Don't do it.
  12. En nou moet je eens proberen die zwarte strepen een normal map te geven. Dat geeft in combinatie met je nieuwe shader een nóg realistischer effect. Ik verwijs naar deze post van mij een hele tijd terug in dit topic: Als je die techniek op deze tram toepast en kan je deze turqoise lijnen een nep-3d geven. Rondom deze lijnen zal je afhankelijk van de stand van de zon dan een beetje schaduw of lichtval zien. En dat is allemaal te doen door slechts een extra texture te maken voor elke texture de de bak gebruikt en een nieuwe shader te gebruiken. Je pakt gewoon de bestaande textures, en je tekent op een nieuwe laag witte strepen over deze lijnen. Dan geef je het geheel een zwarte achtergrond. Je hebt nu een zwarte texture met witte strepen op de plek van deze lijnen. Die exporteer je als normal map naar een .dds bestand waarvan de bestandsnaam eindigt op_nm, je zet hem in Blender in het juiste texture slot en je stapt over op de shader TrainBumpSpecEnvMask.fx en dat was het alweer. Effect is als volgt: Ik zou het toch eens proberen als ik jou was...
  13. Exactly. You add sound to the scenery object and not the other way around. Does the file I sent you not work, after all, then? I thought you said it worked.
  14. If it works in-game but not in the preview it's probably because in the preview time does not exist and the 180 seconds never start ticking. Congrats on your working sound.
  15. Not sure, not home at the moment, so I can't test it right now. Just try and see.
  16. Yeah, that is just a regular ambient sound with a delay. That is done by controlling the steps you see in the second screenshot, like the 180 seconds and 30 seconds settings. So yes, you should be able to do all of that now. Loop = constantly looping sounds (sound is always playing) One-shot = sounds play once every X time with up to X seconds variation (or depending on the controls in case of train audio)
  17. What do you mean by "programmed sounds"?
  18. Lua is only needed for trains and signals. You won't need it for ambient sounds. I've literally explained all there is to know about ambient sounds in above example. Good luck!
  19. This will work: Source.rar This one plays between 5:30am and 11:59pm in all seasons and all weathers. the sound blueprints and proxy are now correct and set to not appear by itself in the editor, instead, they are now added as a child to the new ES Altavoz.xml blueprint, which is what you select in the editor under sounds. So in the route editor you will select ES Altavoz under audio. If you want to change the name you select in the editorr, change the display name of THAT blueprint. This is what you place in the editor. The sound blueprint is referenced as a child, and that selects the proxy. Do this wrong and it won't even try to play. That was your first mistake. * In these following screenshots, I've acidentally written 23:59pm and even 23:59am in my explanation in the black bold text, that obviously should both have been 11:59pm aka 23:59 in 24hr notation. Just ignore the am/pm part in the bold black text and it makes sense. Your second mistake was to not enable it. You would have needed this: If you wanted a constant looping sound (most annoying woman in the world). But for a station annoucement, once every 3 minutes for instance is better. You would need to untick "IsLooped" in the Audio SAMPLE part at the top of the proxy, remove it from "Ambient loop", and add it to "Ambient random oneshot". So what you actually end up with is this: Don't forget to enable the appropriate seasons and weather types again. You should now perfectly understand how to use normal station annoucements. Bonus round: Now, let's say you want something fancy and want to have a different one for the winter. You would then untick winter in this blueprint and make a new blueprint where you ONLY tick winter. Then you add that blueprint to the scenery blueprint (in this case ES Altavoz.xml) as the second child. Same for rain, and so on and so on. Or let's say you want one blueprint for all weather and all seasons, but you want variation, so you can get a random announcement each time. You would then go to the audio sample part of the proxy and remove the SingleSampleSound and replace it with a RandomSampleSound and add as much samples as you like that can randomly be picked to that. It will then play a different sound each time. You should now understand all there is to know about ambient sounds, have fully mastered them, and be a pro at them. Congratulations.
  20. I've already found the problem. You didn't add the sound blueprint as a child to the scenery object, instead you've entered geometry into the sound blueprint. I take it you want to have the object show up in the game, right? Also, you only made the sound available in the top of the blueprint. You didn't added it as a loop or oneshot at the end of the blueprint. Edit: Almost everything about the blueprint is wrong, you didn't enable it in any season and in any weather, and the end time of the sound was at midnight. Also, judging from the filename and content of the audio it is a station annoucement, yet this is a constantly looping sound. If it would work, the lady would have never stopped talking, she would be the most annoying woman on the planet. Station annoucements should be done as random one-shots. You can even vary these or have them depend on the weather and/or season. You also need to define at which time the sound starts and ends. For station annoucements, you don't need them to play between, let's say 2AM en 6AM. You could have one that warns you for slippery platforms if the weather is set to rain, one that wishes you a merry christmas and a happy new year in the winter; the possibilities are endless. Actually very nifty and very underutilized by route builders. But in order for that all to work, you DO need to enter all the blueprints correctly. Your blueprint is set like this: Play the sound constantly, Start at midnight, end at midnight. Don't appear if it's dry or rains or snows, don't play if it's spring, summer, autumn, or winter... No wonder it doesn't play...
  21. Yes, please give me all the files in the object's source folder.
  22. What kind of audio is it? I mean, is it like a constantly looping type, a random one-shot type, etc? Also, is it added as a child to the scenery object that is supposed to emanate it? Send me your file, I'll check it out and see what's wrong.
  23. This one of the few things that is properly documented in the official developer docs. If using mono, the audio volume will automaticly get harder or softer if you get nearer or further from the object emanating it. When using stereo, one would need to use ListenerDistanceSquared and such to achieve that
  24. Actually, it can be 44.1kHz and SHOULD be mono. You only really use stereo audio in the cab. Ambient sounds should be mono so that they can properly pan in 3D. They are also much easier to handle.
  25. Nieuwe model is veeeel mooier. Doe dit zelf recent ook pas vrij recent consequent, maar toch een kleine tip die ik je wil meegeven als je aan materieel begint, en ook voor voertuigen als bussen en auto's geldt: Pak voor dat je aan de bouw begint een foto van het voertuig en teken daar (grofweg) je ideale wireframe overheen, en modelleer je voertuig op die manier. Hier een voorbeeld van hoe ik mijn SG3 wil hebben: Dit voorbeeld is nog niet helemaal ideaal of zelfs helemaal af, maar je begrijpt het idee. Op deze manier ontwerp je het voertuig op de manier die het beste is, in tegenstelling tot de manier hoe je het het snelst voor elkaar krijgt. Zelfs al lukt het niet helemaal, zal het toch beter worden dan als je gewoon ergens begint en kijkt waar het schip strandt. Dit is geen kritiek of commentaar. Ik zou je deze tip niet geven als ik niet geloofde in je potentie als bouwer. I believe in you. Als je trouwens ooit bestemmingsdisplays werkend wil maken, voel je vrij me een PM te sturen.
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