De Vechtdallijnen
De Vechtdallijnen is a route build by koentjee14, it runs from Zwolle towards Emmen and from Mariënberg towards Almelo.
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4 files
QuickDrive Vechtdallijnen QuickDrive V3.5
By Warszawysk_
In this QuickDrive package for the Vechtdallijnen, you can drive various routes, which was not possible in the old QuickDrive!
- Emmen Track 1 - Zwolle Track 15/16
- Emmen Track 2 – Zwolle Track 15/16
- Coevorden Track 2 - Zwolle Track 15/16
- Zwolle Track 15 - Coevorden Track 2 - Emmen Track 1/2
- Zwolle Track 16 - Coevorden Track 2 - Emmen Track 1/2
- Hardenberg Track 2 - Mariënberg Track 3 - Almelo Track 3/4A
- Mariënberg Track 3 - Almelo Track 3/4A
- Almelo Track 3/4A - Mariënberg Track 3 - Hardenberg Track 2
!! Please note, at some stations you have to change to the other cabin!!
QuickDrive Scenario created by Bram, reselling or offering the download on other website(s) is not permitted. Always ask me for permission to do this.
koentjee24 De Vechtdallijnen 2.0
By Koentjee24
The Vechtdallijnen with the extension from Mariënberg to Almelo complete with scenery and all, along with this also the exit to Bedrijvenpark Twente this runs to the shunting tracks there, also from Hardenberg the extension to Emmen, with everything between Coevorden and Emmen to that extent it is clear that only the scenery has yet to be placed, between Hardenberg and Coevorden the scenery is about 80 percent off, so this will also be tackled in the next version, and I have also taken a path towards this industrial area of Coevorden, to the Coevorden Europapark this is also WIP, with the I here and there between Zwolle and Hardenberg added, replaced or what came out, the station on this piece (except for Zwolle) are all addressed to make it a bit more beautiful and realistic to make, At Zwolle the catenary wires from Tankje are only made up to track 16,15,14 as these are the most used for Arriva and it is without to put a lot of work into it and then remove it again, and to install a new catenary;) it must also be said that the other side of Zwolle station is still WIP, although I have made a turn towards Amersfoort as far as Wezep, and small piece of exit towards Lelystad, but, as I said, not initially important, I also made Zwolle RSG what runs alongside the route to the IJssel Bridge, this is actually also WIP there are sidings markers here, only no signals.
With the route file there is a manual with the assets that you have to bring in so read it carefully before you switch to driving;), and in addition a Route and assets folder is added, should there be any problems with the route then hear I like them on the forum (s);) All I have to do is say thank you from all the assets marker and other content builders for using your beautiful objects, and also a thank you to Daniel for creating the scenarios (with broadcasting)
Manual in Dutch New download links in the "Requirements" tab Note: download is more than 450mb
Install the included .rwp file with "Utilities.exe" "Clear Cache" or use Train Simulator Blueprint removal tool"4,042 downloads
Sjef61 RouteProperties Grond texture FIX v2 voor De Vechtdallijnen Beta 3.5 Beta \
By Sjef61
RouteProperties Ground texture FIX for De Vechtdallines Beta 3.5
Nu met DTG weer
koentjee24 De Vechtdallijnen Beta 3.5 Beta /
By Koentjee24
Here is the release of the Vechtdallijnen Beta 3.5 version,
The most important changes in this version are:
Completed scenery between Hardenberg Emmen, new scenery build between Hardenberg Almelo/Ommen, New Tracks and speed Limiet (80 - 120 Km/h) Between Almelo Marienberg and the Station of Zwolle is modernized. In the Route file you find one pdf manual and two Rwp files (one for the route and the other for the assets) have fun with the new version.