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Het is nu mogelijk om te stemmen op de Screenshot van de Maand maart! It is now possible to vote for the Screenshot of the Month March!! ×


Train Guard
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Everything posted by Pjottr

  1. Setje legerwagens uitgehaald, nu omlopen
  2. Loc staat klaar in Hemdrecht.
  3. Played with sepia effect
  4. Version 1.0


    Create a backup of the ChrisTrains folder, to possible restore any damage, or revert the changes if you do not like the sound update !!! This is a horn update for ChrisTrains' NS DDZ. I wasn't happy with the provided sounds, so I decided to make my own. Tips are welcome, however, I'm limited in my editing skills, so I might not be able to do anything. Features: 1 version Manual in Dutch & English Installation: go to the folder "Steam\steamapps\common\railworks\ChrisTrains\RailSimulator\RailVehicles\EMUs\NS DDZ\Audio" Insert here the folder "Horn" More in see Readme start the game en go to "settings\Tools\Clear Cache" Restart the game and have fun Required addons: Christrains: NS DDZ
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