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Handcar Traveller
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  1. Thank you Treintje and Sjef61 - much appreciated.
  2. I've followed the link to the Thalys and installed it but it's not the correct one. What is the correct link please? Many thanks, SD
  3. A really great route now with version 2.0 - thanks so much for sharing. Would you mind posting a list of only the scenario requirements please as I had some missing items that I had to swap out with TS_Tools & Locoswap. Many thanks
  4. Rommy136 and DaanCrossway, Thank you both for taking the time to reply. Much appreciated. Regards, SD
  5. There are some new assets required for version 1.5.0 that I can't find:- MORailworks\Bovenleiding\Portalen\Los\Kokerbalk\MO Kokerbalk H Vakwerkmast 1 gn.bin Rubku_NL\Scenery\Procedural\NL Tunnel Parts\NL_tunnel_floor_brown.bin Rubku_NL\Scenery\Procedural\NL Tunnel Parts\NL_tunnel_floor_grass04.bin Rubku_NL\Scenery\Procedural\NL Tunnel Parts\NL_tunnel_floor_grass06.bin Rubku_NL\Scenery\Procedural\NL Tunnel Parts\NL_tunnel_floor_grey.bin Ted\RailNetwork\Interactive\freight_pipes.bin WOP\Gleissperren\Gleissperre_DR_L.bin It would be much appreciated if someone could direct me to them. Many thanks, SD
  6. Thank you trainsxp. Blije Computer - please see the comment from TrainsXP above. Sorry but when I wrote my first comment above, v1.3 was not the latest release - hence my question.
  7. Hi, Is this scenario for v1.3 or 1.4 please? Thanks
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